Agenda item

Report on the community development activities and any issues arising within the Major Development Area (MDA)

·       Governance Review Advisory Group - Verbal update

·       Any other community development items from members.


(Approximately 20 minutes scheduled for this item)



Karen Vincent, Governance Manager, Winchester City Council provided the forum with a verbal update regarding the Community Governance Review (CGR).


As part of her update, the next steps were set out as follows:


  • A paper was being prepared for the next meeting of the Licensing & Regulation committee concerning the review (Note. following the meeting, this committee was now scheduled for the 10 March 2022)


  • Following that meeting of the Licensing & Regulation committee and subject to their approval, a variety of communication and engagement methods would be used to communicate the review, to seek views of residents and to seek interested residents in joining the advisory board.


The overall intention was for the re organisation order to be in place in November 2022 which would then come into place in April 2023. (Note. following the meeting, it was confirmed that elections would be held in May 2023 following the reorganisation order of November 2022).


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding; the meeting of the advisory group, the maintenance of bus stops in the interim period prior to the implementation of the results of the governance review and the availability of the Terms of Reference document.


These points were responded to by the Governance Manager.      



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