Agenda item

Capital Investment Strategy 2022-2032

Report Ref: SC061 and CAB3332




It is recommended that scrutiny committee comment on the proposals within the attached cabinet report, ref CAB3332 which is to be considered by cabinet at its meeting on the 17 February 2022.


Report reference Report Ref: SC061 and CAB3332

Councillor Cutler, Cabinet Member for Finance and Service Quality and the Strategic Director introduced the report, ref CAB3332 which set out the council’s capital investment strategy 2022-2032 and was available on the councils website here.

The report recommended that the committee comment on the proposals within the attached cabinet report, ref CAB3332 which was to be considered by the cabinet at its meeting on 17 February 2022.

The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report in detail. In summary, questions relating to the following matters were raised.

·       the strategic asset purchase scheme 

·       the assumptions about financial returns being realised 

·       The inclusion of assets relating to the broader Central Winchester Regeneration (CWR) scheme 

·       The anticipated returns relating to the Goods Shed site 

·       The demolition of Friarsgate medical centre and any impact upon future planning permission

·       North Walls Pavilion work

·       the relationship between the Asset Management Strategy (AMS) and the strategic budget review 

·       the demolition of buildings and the reuse of materials 

·       the outputs for the Housing Company expenditure 

·       the expenditure on West Wing refurbishment 

·       should there be an allocation of funds for the Winchester Movement Strategy 

·       why assets such as Station Approach or Cattle Market do not appear on the list. 

These points were responded to by Councillor Cutler, Councillor Tod, and officers accordingly and were noted by the cabinet members present at the meeting.


1.    That the report be noted

2.    That officers feedback regarding the demolition and interim open space proposals for the Friarsgate Medical Centre.

3.    That cabinet consider all the committee’s comments raised during the discussion of the agenda item.



Supporting documents:


m - Capital Investment Strategy 2022-2032{sidenav}{content}