General Fund Budget 2022/23
(Report CAB3335 refers)
Extract of draft minute of Cabinet to follow
That Cabinet recommend that Council :-
4 Agree the level of General Fund Budget for 2022/23, and recommend the summary as shown in Appendix A.
5 That the additional year of New Homes Bonus Allocation be used to fund the following proposals:
a) Increased provision for Local Council Tax Support, with £100,000 additional one off provision to the Council’s Hardship Fund
b) £450k to fund essential maintenance work to Monuments and Historic Assets
c) Low Carbon Transport - £250k to fund trials of low carbon bin lorries and/or buses operating existing Council services
d) £40k to fund the installation of bike storage and other measures to support the promotion of cycling and walking
e) £150k to fund feasibility work to prepare for the implementation of a food waste trial collection system in 2023.
f) £185k to fund the cost of additional city and market town centre cleansing, the maintenance and replacement of street furniture (litter bins, seats, bollards bin stores etc) and also to fund an increased emphasis on fly tipping (additional clearance, surveillance and promotion)
g) £25k to support work to embed the principles of the Council’s “City of Sanctuary” commitments and to review the diverse needs of communities across the district.
h) £100k to fund fixed term IT staff to develop council systems to meet the requirements of flexible/agile working
6 Support the investment proposals set out in section 13.4 of this report, including:
a) To reinstate the annual contribution of £250k to the Asset and Property reserve to support future investment and maintenance of council assets
b) To increase the annual revenue contribution to the Parking and Access reserve by £200k per annum to support the implementation works set out in the annual Parking investment programme
c) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £175k per annum from 2022/23 to create additional capacity in the Legal Services, Communications and Economic Development teams
d) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £60k per annum from 2023/24 to create additional capacity in the Strategic Planning team
e) An increase in the budget for annual audit fees of £30,000
7 Approve the 2022 Council Tax Hardship Scheme allocation of £100,000 and the distribution of this funding as set out in Appendix F; to be administered by the Revenues & Benefits teams under the Service Lead for Revenues & Benefits.
8 That the sum of £1,061,591 be treated as Special Expenses under Section 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 in respect of the Winchester Town area as set out in section 16 and Appendix D.
9 That the Council Tax for the Special Expenses in the Winchester Town area at Band D for 2022/23 be increased by 4.5% to £76.71, an increase of £3.30.
10 That the surplus balance on the Council Tax Collection Fund for distribution to this Council, calculated in January 2022 of £24,315, be approved.
11 Recommend the level of Council Tax at Band D for City Council services for 2022/23 be increased to £151.29, an increase of £3.95 reflecting an average Council tax increase of 2.7%
1 That the level of General Fund Budget for 2022/23 be agreed, and the summary as shown in Appendix A of CAB3335 be approved.
2 That the additional year of New Homes Bonus Allocation be used to fund the following proposals:
a) Increased provision for Local Council Tax Support, with £100,000 additional one off provision to the Council’s Hardship Fund
b) £450k to fund essential maintenance work to Monuments and Historic Assets
c) Low Carbon Transport - £250k to fund trials of low carbon bin lorries and/or buses operating existing Council services
d) £40k to fund the installation of bike storage and other measures to support the promotion of cycling and walking
e) £150k to fund feasibility work to prepare for the implementation of a food waste trial collection system in 2023.
f) £185k to fund the cost of additional city and market town centre cleansing, the maintenance and replacement of street furniture (litter bins, seats, bollards bin stores etc) and also to fund an increased emphasis on fly tipping (additional clearance, surveillance and promotion)
g) £25k to support work to embed the principles of the Council’s “City of Sanctuary” commitments and to review the diverse needs of communities across the district.
h) £100k to fund fixed term IT staff to develop council systems to meet the requirements of flexible/agile working
3 That the investment proposals set out in section 13.4 of report CAB3335 be supported, including:
a) To reinstate the annual contribution of £250k to the Asset and Property reserve to support future investment and maintenance of council assets
b) To increase the annual revenue contribution to the Parking and Access reserve by £200k per annum to support the implementation works set out in the annual Parking investment programme
c) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £175k per annum from 2022/23 to create additional capacity in the Legal Services, Communications and Economic Development teams
d) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £60k per annum from 2023/24 to create additional capacity in the Strategic Planning team
e) An increase in the budget for annual audit fees of £30,000
4 That the 2022 Council Tax Hardship Scheme allocation of £100,000 and the distribution of this funding as set out in Appendix F be approved; to be administered by the Revenues & Benefits teams under the Service Lead for Revenues & Benefits.
5 That the sum of £1,061,591 be treated as Special Expenses under Section 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 in respect of the Winchester Town area as set out in section 16 and Appendix D.
6 That the Council Tax for the Special Expenses in the Winchester Town area at Band D for 2022/23 be increased by 4.5% to £76.71, an increase of £3.30.
7 That the surplus balance on the Council Tax Collection Fund for distribution to this Council, calculated in January 2022 of £24,315, be approved.
8 That the level of Council Tax at Band D for City Council services for 2022/23 be increased to £151.29, an increase of £3.95 reflecting an average Council tax increase of 2.7%.
Councillor Cutler (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Service Quality) moved that the recommended minute of Cabinet be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Learney (Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management).
Council noted that that the corresponding recommended minute of Cabinet held 17 February 2022 was included with the supplementary agenda after the statutory deadline. The Deputy Mayor agreed to accept the recommended minute onto the agenda, because of the urgent need for Council to consider this alongside Report CAB3335.
Council proceeded to ask questions on the matters in the recommended minute and the report.
AMENDMENT – Moved by Councillor Godfrey and seconded by Councillor Horrill:
A. Delete Recommended Minute 5a-h and replace with:
5 That the additional year of New Homes Bonus Allocation be used to fund the following proposals:
a) £250k to fund planting of trees in accordance with the Council’s Carbon Neutrality plans and as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.
b) £1,050k to the Major Investment Reserve.
B. Delete Recommended Minute 6a-e and replace with:
6 Support the following investment proposals:
a) To remove charges for car parks after 6pm and on Sundays
b) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £250k per annum from 2022/23 to create additional capacity for planning and environmental enforcement
c) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £175k per annum from 2022/23 to create additional capacity in the Legal Services, Communications and Economic Development teams as set out in section 13.4 of this report
d) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £60k per annum from 2023/24 to create additional capacity in the Strategic Planning team as set out in section 13.4 of this report.
e) An increase in the budget for annual audit fees of £30,000 as set out in section 13.4 of this report.
C. Delete Appendices A, B and C to Report CAB3335 and insert new Appendices A, B and C.
Subject to the approval of the amendment, an alternative Council Tax Resolution that takes account of these changes is also proposed.
The Deputy Mayor called for an adjournment to the meeting to allow for informal discussion of the Amendment to take place within the groups.
Upon its reconvening, Council proceeded to ask questions on the matters in the Amendment.
MOTION – Moved by Councillor Lumby and seconded by Councillor Tod
Council Procedure Rule 11 (15) – That the question now be put.
Councillor Cutler firstly exercised his right of reply and a recorded vote was then taken on the Amendment.
Division Lists
The following Members voted in favour of the amendment to the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Brook, Clementson, Cook, Cunningham, Gemmell, Godfrey, Horrill, Isaacs, Kurn, Lumby, Miller, Pearson, Read, Ruffell, Warwick.
The following Members voted against the amendment to the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Bentote, Bronk, Clear, Cramoysan, Craske, Cutler, Edwards, Evans, Fern, Gordon-Smith, Green, Laming, Learney, Power, Prince, Rutter, Thompson, Tippett-Cooper, Tod, Weir, Westwood, Williams.
The following Members abstained from voting on the amendment to the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillor Scott
Following summing up by the proposer and seconder of the substantive motion (Councillors Cutler and Learney, respectively) in accordance with legislative requirements on recorded votes at Budget Meetings, a recorded vote was first taken with regard to Recommendations 4 – 8 of the recommended minute of Cabinet.
Councillors Lumby and Ruffell left the meeting before the recorded vote was taken.
The following Members voted in favour of Recommendations 4 – 8 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Bentote, Bronk, Clear, Cramoysan, Craske, Cutler, Edwards, Evans, Fern, Gordon-Smith, Green, Laming, Learney, Power, Prince, Rutter, Thompson, Tippett-Cooper, Tod, Weir, Westwood, Williams.
The following Members against Recommendations 4 – 8 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Brook, Cook, Cunningham, Gemmell, Godfrey, Horrill, Isaacs, Kurn, Miller, Pearson, Read, Warwick.
The following Members abstained from voting on Recommendations 4 – 8 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Councillors Clementson and Scott.
That the recommended minute of Cabinet held 17 February 2022 (as follows) be approved and adopted:
That Council:
4 Agree the level of General Fund Budget for 2022/23, and recommend the summary as shown in Appendix A to Report CAB3335.
5 That the additional year of New Homes Bonus Allocation be used to fund the following proposals:
a) Increased provision for Local Council Tax Support, with £100,000 additional one off provision to the Council’s Hardship Fund
b) £450k to fund essential maintenance work to Monuments and Historic Assets
c) Low Carbon Transport - £250k to fund trials of low carbon bin lorries and/or buses operating existing Council services
d) £40k to fund the installation of bike storage and other measures to support the promotion of cycling and walking
e) £150k to fund feasibility work to prepare for the implementation of a food waste trial collection system in 2023.
f) £185k to fund the cost of additional city and market town centre cleansing, the maintenance and replacement of street furniture (litter bins, seats, bollards bin stores etc) and also to fund an increased emphasis on fly tipping (additional clearance, surveillance and promotion)
g) £25k to support work to embed the principles of the Council’s “City of Sanctuary” commitments and to review the diverse needs of communities across the district.
h) £100k to fund fixed term IT staff to develop council systems to meet the requirements of flexible/agile working
6 Support the investment proposals set out in section 13.4 of Report CAB3335, including:
a) To reinstate the annual contribution of £250k to the Asset and Property reserve to support future investment and maintenance of council assets
b) To increase the annual revenue contribution to the Parking and Access reserve by £200k per annum to support the implementation works set out in the annual Parking investment programme
c) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £175k per annum from 2022/23 to create additional capacity in the Legal Services, Communications and Economic Development teams
d) Increasing the annual staffing budget by £60k per annum from 2023/24 to create additional capacity in the Strategic Planning team
e) An increase in the budget for annual audit fees of £30,000
7 Approve the 2022 Council Tax Hardship Scheme allocation of £100,000 and the distribution of this funding as set out in Appendix F to Report CAB3335; to be administered by the Revenues & Benefits teams under the Service Lead for Revenues & Benefits.
8 That the sum of £1,061,591 be treated as Special Expenses under Section 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 in respect of the Winchester Town area as set out in section 16 and Appendix D to Report CAB3335.
In accordance with legislative requirements on recorded votes at Budget Meetings, a recorded vote was then taken with regard to Recommendations 9 – 11 of the recommended minute of Cabinet
The following Members voted in favour of Recommendations 9 – 11 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Bentote, Bronk, Clear, Cramoysan, Craske, Cutler, Edwards, Evans, Fern, Gordon-Smith, Green, Laming, Learney, Power, Prince, Rutter, Thompson, Tippett-Cooper, Tod, Weir, Westwood, Williams.
The following Members against Recommendations 9 – 11 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillors: Brook, Clementson, Cook, Cunningham, Gemmell, Godfrey, Horrill, Isaacs, Kurn, Miller, Pearson, Read, Warwick.
The following Members abstained from voting on Recommendations 9 – 11 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillor Scott.
That the recommended minute of Cabinet held 17 February 2022 (as follows) be approved and adopted:
That Council agree:
9 That the Council Tax for the Special Expenses in the Winchester Town area at Band D for 2022/23 be increased by 4.5% to £76.71, an increase of £3.30.
10 That the surplus balance on the Council Tax Collection Fund for distribution to this Council, calculated in January 2022 of £24,315, be approved.
11 That the level of Council Tax at Band D for City Council services for 2022/23 be increased to £151.29, an increase of £3.95 reflecting an average Council tax increase of 2.7%
Council Tax for the City of Winchester for the year commencing 1 April 2022.
In accordance with legislative requirements on recorded votes at Budget Meetings, a recorded vote was taken with regard to the Council Tax Resolutions (1 – 7) as set out on pages 79 – 85 of the agenda pack.
The following Members voted in favour of the Council Tax Resolutions (1 – 7):
Councillors: Bentote, Bronk, Clear, Cook, Cramoysan, Craske, Cutler, Edwards, Evans, Fern, Gordon-Smith, Green, Laming, Learney, Power, Prince, Rutter, Thompson, Tippett-Cooper, Tod, Weir, Westwood, Williams.
The following Members against the Council Tax Resolutions (1 – 7):
Councillors: Brook, Clementson, Cunningham, Gemmell, Godfrey, Horrill, Isaacs, Kurn, Miller, Pearson, Read, Warwick.
The following Members abstained from voting on Recommendations 4 – 8 of the recommended minute of Cabinet:
Councillor Scott.
1. That any expenses incurred by the Council in performing in a part of its area a function performed elsewhere in its area by a Parish Council/Town Council/Parish Meeting shall not be treated as special expenses for the purposes of Section 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, except in the case of the following special items relating to the non-parished area the aggregate amount of which is £1,103,623 (Appendix D to report CAB3335 refers) and which is shown within the total of special items at paragraph 4(e) below:-
(a) Magdalen Hill and West Hill Cemeteries;
(b) Allotments;
(c) Town centre Christmas lighting;
(d) Footway lighting;
(e) Bus shelter maintenance;
(f) Grants for community facilities in the Town and Vision Delivery (“parish” element);
(g) Recreation Grounds & Open Spaces (except Abbey Gardens, Riverside Walks, the Weirs and St Giles Hill);
(h) Neighbourhood Services;
(i) Public Conveniences
(j) Theatre Royal
(k) Maintenance work to Council Owned Bridges
(l) Community Speed Watch
(m) Night Bus Contribution
(n) St Maurice’s Covert
(o) Neighbourhood Plans
(p) Community Infrastructure
(q) Administration of the Town Forum
2 That it be noted that the Head of Revenues, in consultation with the Strategic Director (Resources) calculated the Council Tax Base for 2022/23 at
(a) 51,554.09
being the amount calculated by the Council for the whole Council area, in accordance with Section 31B(1) (Item T) of the Local Government Act 1992, as amended (the “Act”), as its Council Tax base for the year.
(b) for dwellings in those parts of its area to which a Parish/Town precept relates as in Annex 1 to the Council Tax Resolutions (1 – 7) as set out on page 83 of the agenda pack.
3. Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2022/23 (excluding Parish Precepts) is £8,903,241.
4. That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2022/23 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Act:
(a) £111,545,636
being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act taking into account all precepts issued to it by Parish Councils.
(b) £98,865,983
being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.
(c) £12,679,653
being the amount by which the aggregate at 4(a) above exceeds the aggregate at 4(b) above, calculated by the Council in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, as its Council Tax requirement for the year. (Item R in the formula in Section 31B of the Act).
(d) 245.95
being the amount at 4(c) above (Item R), all divided by Item T (2(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year (including Parish Precepts).
(e) £4,880,035
being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act (as per the Annex 2 to the Council Tax Resolutions (1 – 7) as set out on page 85 of the agenda pack)
(f) £151.29
being the amount at 4(d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at 4(e) above by Item T (2(a) above), calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates.
5. That it be noted for the year 2022/23, Hampshire County Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner - Hampshire have stated, and the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority has recommended the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:
Precepting Precept
Authority Amount
Hampshire County
Council (HCC) £63,254,291
Police and Crime Commissioner
– Hampshire (PCCH) £12,190,480
Hampshire Fire and £3,888,725
Rescue Authority (HFRA)
A |
927.24 |
157.64 |
50.29 |
B |
1,081.78 |
183.91 |
58.67 |
C |
1,236.32 |
210.19 |
67.05 |
D |
1,390.86 |
236.46 |
75.43 |
E |
1,699.94 |
289.01 |
92.19 |
F |
2,009.02 |
341.55 |
108.95 |
G |
2,318.10 |
394.10 |
125.72 |
H |
2,781.72 |
472.92 |
150.86 |
6. That the Council, in accordance with Sections 30 and 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, hereby sets the aggregate amounts shown in columns 2-9 of Annex 2 as the amounts of Council Tax for 2022/23 for each part of its area and for each of the categories of dwellings shown.
7. That the Council determines that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax for 2022/23 is not excessive in accordance with principles approved under Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992
Supporting documents: