Members of the Forum received an update from the Service Lead; Communities and Wellbeing, on behalf of Grainger plc, regarding the latest community work that had been carried out and reference was made to the following points:
Physical Development
Planning applications awaiting approval were as follows:
· Sports Pavilion and Town Park Phase 2
· Footpath diversions
In response to questions regarding forthcoming planning applications, the Principal Planning Officer reported some difficulties regarding the public rights of way and in obtaining additional information regarding contaminated land which were currently delaying the planning application process for the sports pavilion and town park phase 2.
· Larkfields (Phase3b) and Woodlands Edge (Phase 5a) sold to Bloor Homes and expected on site in Summer 2022.
· Kentidge Coppice (Phase 9c) and Daubenton Glen (Phase 11a) currently for sale. Further land sales anticipated at the end of the year.
· Second Primary School – application from Hampshire County Council submitted. Opening anticipated for September 2025.
· Health Centre – site agreed. Developer finalising/securing funding through the NHS. An accessibility consultant was creating a strategy document for the site, assisting with signage and maps.
· Awaiting an update from Havant Borough Council re: cemetery land but proceeding as if it would still be a cemetery.
· Proxima Park –next unit building ongoing
· Planning granted for Grainger office/Community Centre signage with new branding and for knee-rail fencing along Pearmain Place to protect landscaping from vehicles.
· Local centre design to be reconsidered, next area on the agenda. Community centre to be delivered by 2025.
· Northern allotments - Design being created by Newlands Parish Council. Delivery anticipated for 2023.
Community Development
· Employment and skills – partnered with Oaklands and Cowplain schools to support careers. Job centre site visits being arranged.
· Portsmouth Bee Keeping Society moved into a compound on site until Southern Allotments area ready. More hives were moving into the compound this month.
· Survey undertaken on Proxima Pond. Non-native carp were present and the next stage was draining and landscaping. There was potential to reintroduce native species of fish. Due to a lack of contractors, this work would take place in 2023.
· Work was taking place with Proxima Park on green space improvement, including a swift tower.
· Partnering with Wildlife Trust on community rewilding projects – Berewood Primary School looking at re-wild part of their site next year.
· Berewood Motor Club had been set up by residents, meeting on the third Sunday of every month.
· Berewood Gardening Club had been set up by residents, currently via Facebook only.
· Royal Mail have installed a post box on the corner of Rowe Rise/Newlands Avenue.
· Wider area newsletter to be distributed to Wellington Park and Purbrook to keep residents updated on site progress.
· Donated PPE to local Berewood after school club.
· Community Plan - steering group has been formed with terms of reference created and official roles allocated. Next meeting to take place Wednesday, 9 March 2022.
Upcoming Events
· Easter: Football sessions run by Winchester City Council in Town Park
· Summer: Berewood in Bloom – gardening prizes and activities
· Summer Holiday: Graffiti project at the skate park to engage younger people and help improve anti-social behaviour
A lack of a Community Officer in post at Havant Borough Council had resulted in some previously planned events being postponed. These would be rescheduled/revaluated in due course.
Infrastructure Works
· Western link road (Marrelsmoor Avenue) moved forward to accommodate school expected in Spring 2024.
· Delays still occurring due to Brexit and playing catch up as a result of Covid.
· Stakes Hill roundabout – no update – Awaiting Hampshire County Council decision.
· Southern Access junction design required. Liaising with Hampshire County Council.
· Liaising with Hampshire County Council on future road adoption – main spine roads: Grainger Street, Houghton Avenue and Newlands Avenue in final stages, expected by the end of 2022.
· Final works on the above roads currently taking place.
· Town Park Phase 2 – work ongoing preparing land for cricket pitch (not park of current application, work already approved) anticipated to complete this month.
Members of the forum raised various matters including the funding for the community officer vacancy, the expiration of funding for the implementation officer post within the s106 agreement and the B2150 site visit (currently being arranged by Councillor Ann Briggs, Hampshire County Council) which were responded to by officers accordingly.
Members of the forum expressed concern and made reference to the planning applications due to be taken to the Joint West of Waterlooville Major Development Area Planning Committee for determination. In response, the Service Lead: Built Environment clarified that these applications did not trigger a referral to committee for a decision to be taken and therefore both councils could make delegated decisions in accordance with their schemes of delegation.
The Chairperson advised the forum that the decision regarding the transfer of land to Newlands Parish Council had been deferred at the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management Decision Day yesterday, 7 March, due to the need to advertise the open land appropriately before a decision could be taken. In response, the Strategic Director clarified that this would be brought back for decision at the earliest opportunity following this process and after the election period.
Taylor Wimpey
In addition, Members of the Forum received a verbal update from Councillor Crichton, on behalf of Taylor Wimpey, outlining their latest position on site. Reference was made to the following points:
· Southern Water had contacted Winchester City Council legal department with regard to the s104 agreement signing, but no response had been received to date. Southern Water had requested a 3 month maintenance period which Taylor Wimpey had challenged as joint inspections for the manholes had been carried out and minor repairs to the sewers following a CCTV survey carried out prior to resurfacing had been undertaken. Southern Water were currently reviewing.
· Southern Water had been asked to review the tree planting on the POS. Awaiting response. Once resolved and the sewers are adopted, the adoption of the remaining POS could be progressed.
· Tree planting across the development to replace dead/vandalised trees (except for those over the sewers)
· The lanterns used on the street lights across the development were no longer in manufacture and caused an issue with repair and replacement. Hampshire County Council replace the older style lanterns across the county with new LED lighting once a road has been adopted. Hampshire County Council are investigating whether Taylor Wimpey can be permitted to use the redundant lanterns to bring the scheme back up to the agreed standard. This standard is the one agreed at the time of signing the s38 agreement.
· Works due to commence on clearing the main channel of the stream through the site to facilitate storage and flow.
· s38 agreement remedial works have been agreed for Darnel Road/Tamworth Road and yet to be programmed in. Once the s104 agreement had been signed, works would progress.
That the updates received on behalf of Grainger and Taylor Wimpey, as set out above, be noted.
The virtual meeting commenced at 6pm and concluded at 7.30pm.
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