(CAB3344 and addendum) |
Cabinet noted that nominations for the various appointments had been received prior to the meeting and had been published as an Addendum to the report.
At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Read and Horrill addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below:
Councillor Read
Requested clarification of the assertion in the report that members of the three development fora were happy to continuing to meeting virtually as he believed no consultation had been undertaken. Highlighted the important role of the West of Waterlooville Forum. Also emphasised the importance of the West of Waterlooville Major Development Joint Planning Committee meeting regularly.
Councillor Horrill
Queried why the appointment of the various Council champions was limited to one councillor per position and suggested it would be more appropriate to appoint more than one champion, where additional interest had been expressed.
In response to Councillor Read, Councillor Porter responded that she was in discussions with the chairman of Newlands Parish Council regarding the points raised. The Service Lead – Built Environment also explained what consultation had been undertaken and feedback received with regard to the development fora continuing as virtual meetings.
The Leader and Cabinet Members responded to the comments made regarding virtual meetings and the selection of Member Champions. The Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer also provided some background information to their suggested appointments.
With regard to the Carbon Neutrality Open Forum, the previously agreed membership comprising solely of the Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency was highlighted. However, the Leader agreed that the two Conservative councillors nominated receive standing invitations to each meeting.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and addendum and outlined above.
1. That the following appointments to Fora and other informal groups be made for the 2022/23 Municipal Year:
(i) Local Plan Advisory Group – Councillors Porter (Chair), Learney, Tod, Edwards, Evans, Horrill and Read
(ii) Strategic Asset Purchase Scheme Board
Leader and Cabinet Members with responsibility for Finance; Climate Emergency; Housing; and Business (Councillors Tod, Power, Learney, Ferguson and Thompson)
Finance Manager (Capital & Treasury), Corporate Head of Housing, Corporate Head of Asset Management, Strategic Director: Place and Section 151 Officer – final approver of the purchase.
(iii) Treasury Investment Group
Cabinet Member with responsibility for Finance (Councillor Power) and Councillor Learney (from Cabinet)
Councillor Cutler (Chair of Audit & Governance Committee) Councillor Bronk (member of Audit & Governance Committee) Councillor Miller (Shadow Cabinet Member).
Finance Manager (Capital and Treasury)
(The Section 151 Officer, as final decision maker, would not be a
member of the TIG).
(iv) Kings Barton Forum
Councillors: Cramoysan (Chair), Craske, Batho, Porter, Rutter, Cunningham, Godfrey and Horrill (Deputy: Learney)
(v) West of Waterlooville Forum –
Councillors: Clear (Chair), Cutler, Read and Brook (Deputies: Evans and Weston)
(vi) North Whiteley Development Forum –
Councillors: Achwal (Chair), Evans, Small, McLean, Miller and Pearson (Deputy: Fern and Kurn)
(vii) Winchester Sports and Leisure Park Advisory Board –
Councillors Thompson (Chair), Gordon-Smith, Ferguson, Reach, Edwards and Cook (Deputy: Kurn)
(viii) Carbon Neutrality Open Forum
Councillors Learney (Chair)
2. That appointments to the Central Winchester Regeneration Open Forum and the Station Approach Open Forum be deferred until a future Cabinet meeting to follow a review of the governance for major projects.
3. That the terms of reference for the Carbon Neutrality Open Forum and Winchester Sport & Leisure Park Advisory Board be approved, as attached as Appendix B and C to the report respectively.
4. That the following roles be appointed to (paragraph 11.7 refers):
a) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Member Champion – Councillor Becker; and
b) Lead Cabinet Member for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Councillor Gordon-Smith.
5. That Councillor Tippett-Cooper be appointed as “Sanctuary Champion” (paragraph 11.20(a) refers).
6. That Councillor Green be appointed as “Armed Forces Champion” (paragraph 11.20(b) refers).
7. That the minor changes to the terms of reference in Appendix D and that the development fora continue to meet virtually be agreed.
Supporting documents: