Agenda item

Kings Barton Implementation Update


The Forum considered the Implementation and Update report which summarised the latest progress and the key issues to be addressed at the Kings Barton development.


Barton Farm Academy


Ms A Lawrence (University of Winchester), Ms C White (Children’s Services, Hampshire County Council) and Mr M Hallam (Architect, Children’s Services Hampshire County Council) gave a presentation to the Forum on the new Barton Farm Academy primary academy and responded to questions.  In summary, the following matters were raised:


·         The capital project for the new facility was the responsibility of the County Council and an architect was soon to be appointed.  Works were currently programmed for spring next year with completion summer 2020.  So, it was expected that the school would open for places for the 2020 academic year.

·         An admissions policy was being devised accordingly to demand, but it was predicted that over time, the school would eventually increase the number of pupils on roll to 420 places with two-form intake. 

·         The name of the school would remain as ‘Barton Farm Academy’ (not ‘King’s Barton’) and would be designed to be as sustainable as possible.  The school’s trustees and the involvement of the University was described.  The academy’s ethos was described – ‘Aspirational, Inspiring, Inclusive, Sustainable, Joyful.’  Its head teacher designate had now been appointed. 

·         Originally, a temporary school had been proposed to be located at the existing Henry Beaufort site, however this was now not required due to rate of occupations and the timetable to deliver the new facility. 

·         It was explained that there was to be flexibility of when year groups in the new facility actually opened – but it would need to be educationally and financially viable to do so.  In the meantime it was appreciated that families moving to the site were required to send their children elsewhere.  When the school was opened, those living in catchment (the area of Kings Barton) would be given priority of a place.

·         The new school would develop over time its relationship with Henry Beaufort (as a feeder school) and also with any nursery facility on site. 


Cala Homes Update 


Mr Hill (Cala Homes) gave a presentation to the Forum on the progress of the development to date and responded to questions.  In summary, the following matters were raised:


·         Progress in Phase 1B of the scheme was going well and the next stage of development at Phase 1A was also reported on. There would be   similarities to housing stock in Phase 1B with 200 dwellings to the southern end of the site to commence construction soon (land east of the railway line). 

·         Reserved matters for Phases 2b and 2a would be brought forward with pre application discussion.  These would total around 300 homes.  Further phases north of the ridgeline would include 200 homes and also the neighbourhood centre.

·         There would be 200 homes as part Phase 1a, 74 of which were affordable.  This was a similar mix to phase 1b. The Registered Social Landlord (RSL) to manage the homes had yet to be assessed.

·         The Barton Farm Academy would be well connected with safe pedestrian routes separate from construction traffic. 

·         The existing pathway along the ridgeway was also an existing right of way.  Mr Hughes advised that he would raise with the County Council as to whether it was intended that this was to be upgraded to a cycle route.

·         There had always been provision within the Section 106 agreement for community development, including potentially for the employment of community development officer.  Until the development progresses, a firm decision will be made as to how to utlise the finds available and to tailor to specific need as the new community evolved.

·      Mr Tilbury reminded that the S106 funds each referenced occupations on site.  Therefore, as the development was progressing well and homes were being sold, this would positively impact upon the chronology of the infrastructure provided.  Mr Hughes drew the Forum’s attention to section 11.16 of the Report which set out various trigger points.  For example, a local centre would need to be available before the 1000th occupation.

·         Mr Westwood reported that the footpath at the junction of Andover Road from Phase 1a was currently closed because the signals at the junction were not yet operational.  Cala was currently liaising with utility companies with regard to this so that the matter could be resolved as soon as possible.


Archaeology Update 


Mr Hughes reported on archaeological excavations on site as detailed at section 11.17 of the Report and responded to questions.  In summary, the following matters were raised:


·         Mr Hughes advised that there would be a presentation at a future Forum meeting on archaeology at the site and he reported that road names within Phase 1a were likely to be inspired by the 18th century militia camps located here and recently excavated. Other archaeological remains also found included Bronze Age burial pits including skeletal remains. 

·         Mr Hughes, in response to a suggestion, stated that he would ask whether it was possible to facilitate residents observing the digs taking place and also whether items found could be placed on display within the community.


Barton Meadows Update 


Mr Hughes reported on archaeological excavations on site as detailed at section 11.17 of the Report and responded to questions.  In summary, the following matters were raised:


·         The Reserve was now establishing itself well.  Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust was coordinating volunteer and engagement events. In response to questions, Mr Hughes advised that he had recently spoken with the Council’s Landscape and Open Spaces Team about regular emptying of dog waste bins and also locating more around the site.  In addition, the gate access to Worth Road would have its specification investigated as to whether its design was the most appropriate at this location.   He would also work with local Councillors and the community to ensure the appropriate access to the Reserve is established.     




1.        That the update report and the contents of the updates provided be noted;


2.        That the various points for further action outlined above be noted.


Supporting documents:


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