Tim Perry and Ian Tait addressed the Committee on this item.
In summary, Tim Perry made reference to the following points:
· Campaigning for a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) to be built in one of the parks in North Winchester.
· Survey undertaken to establish the need for such a facility with positive response – 97% responding that they would welcome a MUGA in their community.
· Believed there to be a lack of MUGA and all-weather recreational facilities in this area of Winchester for children and young people with over 4,000 young people in the St Paul and St Barnabas wards and no MUGA provision available.
· Suggested building of a MUGA at Dean Land of St Matthews Park to address concerns about the lack of free to use facilities in these communities.
· Wishes to partner with the council to agree a location for the MUGA, agree a plan to finance this with the use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) being suggested as an option and set a timetable for the works. Also committed to fundraising for part of the MUGA if required as experienced fundraisers.
In summary, Ian Tait made reference to the following points:
· Report highlights that Stanmore, by a large margin, has the highest proportion of young people but has very few facilities for youngsters with a high percentage of students, issues of drug and alcohol abuse amongst young people and pressures on their mental health and wellbeing.
· New development in The Valley do not trigger and CIL contribution which it would have if it was a private residential development – Stanmore badly requires these resources for facility provision. There was an ongoing reliance on the Carroll Centre as the only community centre in the area.
Councillor Becker introduced the report which outlined an audit of community youth provision. This was intended to establish what the council and other organisations have in place as a starting point for any additional work in developing facilities, whilst listening to the needs of young people through the vision for Winchester. In particular, there would be close working with teenage girls on what community and recreational facilities they would like to see, with discussions to continue further going forward.
The Corporate Head of Economy and Community gave a detailed presentation which provided an overview of the provision for the Winchester District Youth Offer including, the work carried out to collect data, insight at national, county and district levels, an audit of the facilities available across the district and some early conclusion from these initial findings.
The committee proceeded to ask questions on the following matters which were responded to by the relevant Cabinet Members and the Corporate Head of Economy and Community:
(i) Comprehensive/Community School facilities – provision within schools data had been collected but work to understand when facilities were available etc was required and further information needed to be worked through at this stage. However, this data would be included going forward.
(ii) The use of general CIL funds for the provision of community facilities. It was noted that affordable housing developments did not get charged CIL. However, areas such as Stanmore could apply for CIL funds, if it could be proven that it had an infrastructure need that was driven by development.
(iii) Housing for young people – The Housing Team were currently working on next generational activity and how to best promote housing options available.
(iv) The breakdown of data into smaller age ranges to remove the number of students included within the town ward area statistics.
(v) A holistic approach of adequate facilities for the teen to twenties age group in the town areas.
(vi) Balance of city centre and rural district access – provision of safe, uniformed and organised events.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee thanked officers for the progress carried out to date and for the informative presentation received.
That the contents of the report and presentation be received, and the comments raised by the committee, as summarised above, be noted.
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