Report reference: SC084 and CAB3389
It is recommended that scrutiny committee comment on the proposals within the attached cabinet report, ref CAB3389 which is to be considered by cabinet at its meeting on the 9 February 2023.
Councillor Power, Cabinet Member for Finance and Value; introduced the report, ref SC084 and CAB3389 which set out proposals for the Capital Investment Strategy 2022-2032, which was available here.
The report recommended that the committee comment on the proposals within the attached cabinet report, ref CAB3389 which was to be considered by the cabinet at its meeting on 9 February 2023.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report in detail. In summary, questions relating to the following matters were raised.
1. The relationship between the raising of CIL monies and the resulting expenditure.
2. The reasons for the variance in general fund reserves.
3. The demolition costs related to the River Park Leisure Centre and the associated capital receipt.
4. The use and purpose of council assets as part of the Central Winchester Regeneration project and any implications to the council’s revenue.
5. Clarification of the elements of the capital programme referred to in the chart on page 152 “General Fund Capital Programme Revenue Consequences”
These points were responded to by Councillor Tod, Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management, Councillor Power, Cabinet Member for Finance and Value, Liz Keys, Corporate Head of Finance, Laura Taylor, Chief Executive, and Neil Aitken, Service Lead – Finance accordingly and were noted by Councillor Power, Cabinet Member for Finance and Value.
1. That the report be noted
That cabinet considers all the committee’s comments raised during the discussion of the item.
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