Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 March 2022 (including any matters arising)


Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting, various points were raised as follows:


·         Policing of the development – Councillor Crichton advised that the previous matter regarding the Police and Crime Commissioner had been referred to senior officers with the proposal that policing of the development would be covered by Waterlooville going forward.


·         Forthcoming planning applications – Councillor Crichton reported that the application for Phase 3b was still to be approved and asked that this be considered at the earliest convenience.


In response, Rose Chapman reported that in respect of Phase 3b, the latest update from was that there were several highways issues remaining before progress could be made and that she would liaise with planning officers at Havant Borough Council going forward.


·         Community Officer position – Councillor Crichton raised concern that Havant Borough Council had advised that they could no longer provide the Community Officer role going forward which he stated would make it difficult for the Parish Council to monitor the development.


In response to the points raised, Steve Lincoln advised that he had spoken with Tracy Vear and Havant Borough Council had advised that they were experiencing difficulties recruiting to the position. The Community Officer role was a time limited post within the s106 agreement that was approaching the end of its contract. Resourcing of this post within the s.106 agreement was to be provided by Grainger plc and as such Havant Borough Council would return any residual funding to them in this respect as it was unable to fulfil recruitment any further. It was noted that Mark Maitland’s role at WCC does include support to communities. However, his role is not dedicated to Newlands and the development so his capacity to provide ongoing support would be limited. In conclusion, Councillor Robinson advised that she would clarify the position further and report back directly to Councillor Crichton in due course.


·         Update from Taylor Wimpey – Councillor Crichton provided a verbal update, on behalf of Taylor Wimpey, setting out their latest position on site. He advised that Taylor Wimpey were currently working towards the adoption of the spine road which had two outstanding matters in relation to the s104 agreement with Southern Water waiting for a response from Winchester City Council and the street lighting standards with what was expected prior to the installation of new LED lighting by Hampshire Highways upon road adoption. The delay to street lighting matters would have a knock on effect to other works, such as the surfacing of the cycle path.


·         Adoption of Open Space agreement at Wellington Park by Havant Borough Council – Councillor Crichton reported that adoption of the open space at Wellington Park remained an ongoing issue to be addressed.


·         Proxima Park – Councillor Crichton reported that there had been complications to the completion of this development due to changes in management agents. 

Following discussion of the minutes, it was agreed that future agendas of the Forum include an ‘Any Other Business’ item to allow for any additional matters to be raised.




That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 8 March 2022, be approved and adopted.


Supporting documents:


m - Minutes of the previous meeting held on 8 March 2022 (including any matters arising){sidenav}{content}