Agenda item

North Whiteley Development Forum Progress Report and Update


Mr Tilbury introduced the report and gave the Forum an overview of progress since the previous meeting. He reported that a major focus had been on concluding the S106 agreement and all signatures had now been obtained.  There was now a delay in issuing the planning consent and completing the S106 because of a decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in April 2018 with regard to the way in which habitat mitigation should assessed.  The City Council had complied with the process determined by the UK courts, but this had now been ruled incorrect and further work was therefore required before the decision notice could be released. It was hoped that this would not cause any delay in the progress of the development although this was still possible.  Mr Tilbury then highlighted other key areas of current activity such as highway infrastructure works and also the continuing discussions regarding the doctors' surgery. Officers and members of the consortium were making strenuous efforts to keep to the timetable for delivery of the development - currently the school opening remained on track for September 2020.  Finally, Mr Tilbury advised the Forum that he understood that the first reserved matters application was currently being prepared.

Mr Christmas (WYG) then presented the Forum with an update regarding each of the four main packages of Highways works through the site to the northern access junction as well as the Botley Road foot/cycle way to the station. He advised that essentially the strategy as previously agreed remained on track

Mr Stewart (Hampshire County Council Highways) referred to funding secured from Highway's England with regard to improvements at the Parkway South roundabout (R1) and also at M27 Junction 9.  He also described the commencement of enabling works and the completed drainage and ground surveys etc.

The Chairman thanked the officers for their presentation and invited questions from the Forum.  The following questions were put and responses obtained:

(i)        Whether the final design of the junction with Bluebell Way was to be a signal crossing and was advised that it would.

(ii)       Mr Christmas advised that he could not give a guarantee for completion by end of 2019 of the completion to infrastructure improvements and extension to Whiteley Way, but that it remained the intention. Mr Stewart also clarified that although it was not the intention for there to be a pedestrian bridge (instead of the existing zebra crossing near to Parkway South roundabout (R1)) the crossing will be improved and relocated further to the south. 

(iii)      Mr Stewart advised that he would refer a query with regard to possible plans for a pedestrian crossing at Botley station to his colleagues at the County Council working on the Botley bypass

(iv)       Mr Clifton (Hampshire County Council Highways) confirmed that the Botley Road Foot/Cycle Way was to extend all the way to the railway station and there would be pedestrian crossings associated with the new Botley bypass roundabout.  Therefore, the crossings would be now be located further south from the station.

(v)        Councillor Bundell raised a number of points regarding the lighting proposal along the B3051 cycleway, specifically the 5-metre lighting posts which Curdridge Parish Council had objected to.  He understood that Botley Parish Council had also supported low level bollard lighting as an appropriate alternative. He believed that the 5-metre posts were not a statutory requirement and so believed that their use could be amended.  He requested that the Forum request that the County Council re visit this policy specifically with regards to this proposal. Mr Clifton advised that he would take back the comments from the Councillor but reminded members that the County Council’s position was that bollard lighting was not appropriate as part of these proposals and that the design as presented was policy compliant.

(vi)       With regard to the existing Whiteley Doctor’s Surgery and its capacity as the new development progressed, Mr Tilbury advised that provision had been made within the S106 agreement and that the NHS had agreed to the proposals to utilise space within the existing facility and to increase car park size.  This would require planning consent from Fareham Borough Council.

(vii)      Points were raised regarding the footpath/cycleway to Botley Station, specifically whether the carriageway would be also be lit, whether the existing roadway would become narrowed as a result of the footpath/cycleway and whether there is an option for a mixture of lighting.


The Chairman thanked those attending this meeting of the Forum.



The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and concluded at 7.20pm.







Supporting documents:


m - North Whiteley Development Forum Progress Report and Update{sidenav}{content}