Committee details

z WCC/EHDC Environmental Services Joint Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED

Purpose of committee

Draft Terms of reference for Environmental Services Joint Scrutiny Committee (ESJSC)


The following principles will apply to the work of the ESJSC

1. The ESJSC may raise any issues directly with the Joint Environmental Services Committee.
a) The ESJSC may also raise any issues with the parent Councils. Each Council will determine its own procedures as to whether the report back will go to the Councils appropriate parent scrutiny committee or direct to their respective Cabinets or portfolio holders.
b) An annual report will be produced by the ESJSC and reported to the parent scrutiny committees of each Council.
c) Any matters of concern will be referred to the parent Councils if requested by resolution of the Committee or at least 2 or more Members from either authority.
The role of the ESJSC will be as follows
2. To have a general remit to scrutinise any executive decision made by the Joint Environmental Services Committee.
3. To have the right to review Joint Environmental Services Committee policies insofar as the policy concerned relates to the delivery of Environmental Services.
4. To have authority to require any member of the Joint Environmental Services Committee or any Officer of the Joint Client Team to assist in its work by attending at a meeting of the Committee, by supplying information or by other means.
5. To have an overview of performance and use of resources in respect of the services within the responsibility of the Joint Environmental Services Committee Council’s including but not restricted to
• The Joint Client Team
• The Contractors
• Implementation of work programmes,
• Performance against national and local performance indicators,
• Identification of risks and monitoring action taken to mitigate those risks and responsibility for the monitoring and implementation of action plans.
6. To monitor developments within the Project Integra Partnership and scrutinise its performance and policy development in terms of the impact upon the work of the ESJSC.
7. To hold the Joint Environmental Services Committee and relevant Portfolio Holders at each authority to account for the services within their areas of responsibility.


East Hampshire District Councillors:
Councillors: Branch, Denston and Onslow



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