Issue - decisions

44 - 46 Broad Street, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9AN (Case number: 21/02057/HOU)

16/03/2022 - 44 - 46 Broad Street, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9AN (Case number: 21/02057/HOU)


Proposal Description: Two storey extension and alterations.

The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which stated that the penultimate paragraph on page 21 of the committee agenda pack regarding the level of harm to the listed building was corrected as follows:

“In summary, it is considered that the proposals will not result in any harm to the significance of the setting and historic interest of the listed building and surrounding listed properties, in accordance with the New Alresford Design Statement Section 4, Section 16 para 199 of the NPPF, S.66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and Policy CP20 of WDLPP1 and DM29 of WDLPP2 and the historic environment section of the Planning Practice Guidance. The proposals are therefore considered to be acceptable in line with relevant legislation and local plan policy.

During public participation, Alicia Salter spoke in objection to the application, and Simon Goddard spoke in support of the application and answered members' questions.

The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.


The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the update sheet.



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