Issue - decisions

King George V (KGV) Pavilion Funding

10/03/2022 - King George V (KGV) Pavilion Funding

1.  That capital expenditure of up to £2,190,000 (bringing the total expenditure approved to £2.3m) be approved for the construction of the new KGV Pavilion, subject to successful funding applications set out in Table 2 Project funding. 


2.  That the Corporate Head of Economy & Community submit an application for grant funding to the District Wide Community Infrastructure Levy for the sum of £450,000.


3.  That £450,000 of District Wide CIL funding be agreed, subject to the due diligence assessment and support of the application in April by the council’s CIL Informal Panel.  


4.  That subject to the securing of all required funding, the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to invite and evaluate tenders and to award a design and build contract to the preferred bidder in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 and Councils Contract Procedure Rules for the construction of the KGV Pavilion.


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