Issue - decisions

Housing Services Cleaning Contract

31/10/2022 - Housing Services Cleaning Procurement - CAB3359(H)

1.     That it be agreed that the current cleaning contract to YBC Cleaning Services should not be extended for a further 1 year period.


2.     That the procurement of a cleaning service using an open tender procedure be authorised in accordance with the council’s Contract Procedure rules and the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015).


3.     That to ensure best value for residents, tenders are to be evaluated based on a criteria of 60% cost and 40% quality and 10% of the quality criteria, will be allocated to environmental and social value matters.


4.     That the Strategic Director be authorised to award the contract to the preferred bidder. This being the applicant with the most economically advantageous tender for a term of 3 years with an option to renew for up to a further 2 years based on performance of service provision.


5.     That the Strategic Director be authorised to enter into all necessary agreements with the preferred contractor to provide a building cleaning service within the common and communal areas of the councils housing stock.


6.     That delegated authority be granted to the Service Lead: Legal to execute and enter into all necessary contractual agreements


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