1. That the Strategic Director be given delegated authority to seek tenders based on options as outlined in the report, and to agree tender documentation to be used pursuant to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, selection criteria, and the detailed evaluation criteria for the award of the contract based on a 80% price: 20% quality ratio. and that the tender be advertised as set out in full in Appendix A of report CAB3397 and include the following key provisions:
a) Vehicles should be specified as new at the beginning of the contract with Zero Emissions, a minimum capacity of 70 passengers and a maximum length of 12.5 metres.
b) To include a tender option that allows for Euro VI standard buses (reuse of the existing or same specification buses) so that the comparison cost of a Zero emission vs conventional bus can be determined. This option will also include use of HVO as an alternative fuel.
c) To include tender options to allow for a contract period of 8 years in the case of Zero Emission Buses and up to 5 years in the case of conventional buses.
d) To allow for a peak time vehicle frequency of 10 minutes (7 bus operation) and off-peak (and Saturday) frequency of 15 minutes (4 buses).
f) To operate the P&R service six days a week from 0625 to 1930 (Monday to Friday) and 0700 to 1930 (Saturday).
g) In the in the case of a Zero Emission bus contract the maximum age for the vehicles at the end of the contract be 8 years. In the case of a Euro VI bus contract the maximum age for the vehicles at the end of the contract be 13 years
h) To run a ‘linked’ bus route, connecting all the City’s Park & Ride sites as detailed in Appendix E of the report.
i) To allow for enhanced levels of operation during the five weeks before Christmas including provision of a Christmas Sunday shuttle service.
j) In the case of a Euro VI standard bus contract the notice of termination be set at a level of six months to allow for a scenario where WCC is successful in obtaining grant funding for a replacement Zero Emission bus contract.
2. That the outcome of the tendering process be reported to Cabinet in Autumn 2023 for approval to award the contract and noting that this will need to be considered in relation to the council’s overall budget position and in context of car parking charges.
3. That the tendering process recommended in the previous recommendations is subject to achieving agreed heads of terms with Hampshire County Council for lease renewals for South Winchester, Barfield and St Catherine’s Park and Ride car parks.
4. That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to enter into lease renewals for South Winchester, Barfield and St Catherine’s Park and Ride car parks and negotiate terms.