1. That a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) be entered into to secure an additional £3,300,000 Local Authority Housing Fund (LAHF) funding from Round 1b to fund the provision of an additional 22 homes under the programme.
Further to the LAHF grant used to
acquire 15 properties already budgeted for (CAB3304),
additional capital expenditure of up to £4,375,000 be agreed
to acquire and refurbish the remaining 7 properties required,
subject to viability under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4, using the
approved 2024/25 HRA unallocated new build budget, to be funded by
LAHF grant with the balance of £2,401,000 match funded by the
3. That an MoU with DLUHC be entered into to secure £1,239,600 of LAHF Round 2 funding for the provision of 6 additional homes under the programme.
4. That capital expenditure of up to £2,917,500 be agreed to acquire and refurbish 6 properties subject to viability under Financial Procedural Rule 7.4, using the approved 2024/25 HRA unallocated new build budget, to be funded by £1,239,000 LAHF grant with the balance of £1,679,400 to be match funded by the HRA
5. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head – Asset Management and the Director with the responsibility for housing to purchase 13 properties.