Issue - decisions

Temporary accommodation plan & pathways

05/11/2024 - Temporary accommodation plan & pathways

That the following are agreed –


1.1.    That 80-82 Sussex Street is re-purposed as temporary accommodation.


1.2.    That the current move-on policy for households in council-owned Temporary Accommodation be amended.


1.3.    That the expansion of the provision of supported accommodation at Trinity: Winchester be supported.


1.4.    That the Council’s lettings policy in respect of Sheltered Accommodation be amended.


1.5.    That the revised move on policy for applicants residing at The Quakers be agreed.


1.6.    That the council enter into negotiations with Hampshire County Council regarding the level of funding that the council require from HCC to support the households affected by the closure of Westview House in light of the social inclusion finding being extended until March 2026. The support required is outlined in recommendations 1.7 to 1.9 below.


1.7.    That a housing first worker be established to support the delivery of an in-house housing first model.


1.8.    That the role of the Complex Needs Navigator continue to be funded for 18 months.


1.9.    That an in house ‘tenancy ready post’ be established to provide intensive support to help the individuals who are directly impacted from the HCC funding cuts to be able to move on and successfully sustain their tenancy within a community.


1.10.That the temporary staffing posts of the Outreach Worker and the Strategic Housing Support Worker be extended until 31 March 2027.


1.11.That this strategy will be reviewed in twelve months in light of confirmed additional demand and the impact of proposals.


1.12.That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director with housing responsibility in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing to agree any further additional spending of the homelessness prevention grant reserve or the allocation of the 25/26 Homeless Prevention grant and any new or additional grants awarded to the council by Central government that support preventing homelessness and rough sleeping.


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