Issue - decisions

Winchester City Football Club artificial pitch

13/12/2023 - Winchester City Football Club artificial turf pitch

Subject to successful funding applications to the Football Foundation:


1.       That an additional allocation of £100,000 of District CIL receipts to the project be approved, bringing the total funding from District CIL to £300,000;


2.       That the countersigning by the council of a further funding bid to the Football Foundation, in partnership with Winchester City Football Club, for associated stadium improvements at the site be approved;


3.       That an additional budget and expenditure of £461,000 (funded by the additional CIL, increased grant from the Football Foundation and contribution from WCFC) be approved, bringing the total approved budget and expenditure to £1.466m for the installation of a new 3G artificial turf pitch and associated improvements at Winchester City Football Club;


4.       That delegated authority to the Strategic Director - Services be approved to appoint the relevant contractors and to negotiate and agree contractual heads of terms with the contract appointment; and


5.       That delegated authority to the Service Lead: Legal be approved to prepare and enter into all relevant agreements, negotiate the contractual agreements and see them to completion to enable the proposed works at Winchester City Football Club. 


That it be noted:


6.       That the Corporate Head of Asset management will agree the terms of a new lease with Winchester City Football Club under his delegated authority;


7.       That responsibility for operating, maintaining, repairing and replacing the pitch (including index-linked annual contributions to a pitch replacement fund) would lie with the council, but that the facility and these responsibilities would be passed to Winchester City Football Club along with all income, via the new lease;


8.       That if for any reason Winchester City Football Club was unable to meet those responsibilities, the lease would be forfeited and responsibility would revert to the council; and


9.       That the project will not proceed unless the grant application to the Football Foundation secures all necessary funding required to deliver the project in full.


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