Issue - decisions

River Park Cricket Pavilion

16/10/2024 - River Park Cricket Pavilion


1.         That an increase to the capital budget of £200,000 be approved, bringing the total approved budget to £2,300,000.


2.         That £1,467,000 District Wide Community Infrastructure Levy funding be approved, including approval of the reallocation of previous approved CIL for Station Approach, Hookpit and Durngate projects.


3.         That an additional £200,000 of Town CIL funding be approved.


4.         That, in addition to the £40,000 already approved for fees, additional capital expenditure of up to £2.26m for the construction of the new River Park Cricket Pavilion be approved.


5.         That a net increase to the Cricket Pavilion revenue budget of £17,500 from 2026/27 be approved, for the ongoing cost for the operation, management and maintenance of the pavilion to be met from existing Town Forum budgets.


6.         That, subject to approval of the recommendations above, and subject to the securing of all required funding, the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to invite and evaluate tenders and to award a design and build contract to the preferred bidder in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and Council’s Contract Procedure Rules for the construction of the River Park Cricket Pavilion.


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