Issue - decisions

Progress Report on West Of Waterlooville MDA WWF101

04/03/2019 - Progress Report on West Of Waterlooville MDA WWF105

Mrs Stickland introduced the report.


Mrs Stickland informed the meeting that Mr David Parker has sent his apologies for the meeting and would be leaving Taylor Wimpey next month.  Mr Parker had confirmed that the signage would be carried out by Taylor Wimpey to direct traffic to the recycling centre.  There was CIL money for a road crossing near McDonalds, but this would not be completed imminently.


In respect of the Grainger development, Mr John Beresford had now left the company.


The Chairman enquired whether the planning applications for phases 9B, 10A and 9A, referred to in the report, had been notified to the parish councils.  Mrs Stickland confirmed that they had and added that the close of comments on the applications would be 11 July 2018.


It was agreed that a map of the footprint the new parish council area should be circulated to members of the Forum for their information.


The Chairman raised the issue of vehicles accessing the recycling centre from the west using C class roads and not from the motorway as had been agreed.  It was also noted that now that the access bridge had been opened access to the recycling centre should not be via residential roads within the development.  In addition, there was inconsiderate car parking in the elbows of Darnel Road.  It was agreed that these matters are raised with the interested parties involved.




That the report be noted.



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