The Chairman introduced the report which provided a response to the Notice of Motion agreed and decided at Council on 27 June 2018 and emphasised that Members should consider whether any of the points raised in the Motion required a change to the planning application. She believed that this report and the two reports considered earlier in the meeting demonstrated that all matters had been carefully considered and no changes were required.
In response to Members’ comments, Councillor Ashton emphasised that the predicted project capital spend was broadly the same as contained in the Outline Business Case and any changes had been overseen by MACE (the Council’s consultants). When the full business case was prepared it would include the construction costs and detail of operators bids to run the new centre and if the finances were not sufficient at this stage, the project would need to be reconsidered. The Head of Programme also emphasised that the facility mix had been fully tested and agreed by Members at an earlier stage of the process. Sport England had commissioned its own internal review of the design and all points fed back have been carefully considered. .
The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.
1. That the evaluation of the matters raised by the motion as detailed in this report be noted and agreed. Specifically that the matters raised are not considered to be material to the planning application and can be addressed during the current design phase of the project or through wider considerations such as the Winchester Movement and Access Study.
2. That when actioning the motion and considering responses from the planning application consultation and the engagement with the sports clubs and National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) that no changes or amended plans be submitted in relation to the planning submission application.