Issue - decisions

Land adjacent to Appletree Cottage, Chilcomb, Winchester Case No: SDNP/18/04041/FUL

04/03/2019 - Land adjacent to Appletree Cottage, Chilcomb, Winchester Case No: SDNP/18/04041/FUL

Item 7:  Revised application for the erection of one dwelling (Amended Plans 14/09/2018)

Land adjacent to Appletree Cottage, Chilcomb, Winchester.

Case number:  SDNP/18/04041/FUL


The Head of Development Management referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out a further seven letters of objection that had been received in relation to the revised plans.


In addition, a verbal update was provided to note that there had been a reduction in the size of the first floor accommodation by one metre.


During public participation, Piers Sherlock spoke in objection to the application and Harry Dhand (applicant) and Stephen Hurrell (architect) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


In response to questions from Members, the Historic Environment Team Leader clarified that the key point to be considered was that this application had been re-orientated and its built form differed vastly to the appealed scheme. The proposed scheme had now overcome the previous concerns in relation to scale, built form and materials and was now considered to be of no material harm to the listed building as a result.


At the conclusion of debate, the Committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and Update Sheet.



for issue Land adjacent to Appletree Cottage, Chilcomb, Winchester Case No: SDNP/18/04041/FUL{sidenav}{content}