Issue - decisions

Organisational Development Performance Monitoring Q1 2018 - 19

04/03/2019 - Organisational Development Performance Monitoring - Quarter 1 2018/19 PER315

Councillor Godfrey introduced the Report.


Members asked questions of the information presented and the responses given are summarised below:


(i)            The increase in personal stress as a reason for sickness (777 recorded cases in Quarter 1 up from 520 cases in Q4 2017/18) reflected a national increase of 25% as set out in a recent report from the Health and Safety Executive.  It was also acknowledged that this was a significant period of change and pressure in Local Government.  There was also improved recording for the reasons for absence provided by Doctors.


(ii)          The Authority was proactive in managing stress, with a new Occupational Health Advisor to be appointed in January 2019.  Other initiatives included the promotion of Wellbeing Days, meditation opportunities at work, access to 24 hour Counselling services, the introduction of the Health Care Cash plan, Christmas office closure and providing courses on mental health awareness.  Members additionally suggested that Team Meetings to promote teamwork, employee buddying and the use of flexitime for improved life work balance might also be of benefit.




1.       That the Quarter 1 2018/19 Performance Monitoring figures for Organisational Development be noted.


2.       That no items of significance be drawn to the attention of the Portfolio Holder or Cabinet arising from the Performance Information.



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