Issue - decisions

Carlton Villa 10 Compton Road Winchester SO23 9SL (Case number: 17/03246/HOU)

04/03/2019 - Carlton Villa, 10 Compton Road, Winchester, SO23 9SL (Case number: 17/03246/HOU)

Item 7:  Two storey domestic extension and single storey side extension to existing 19th century house. Rendered boundary wall (retrospectively built) to the west elevation. (Amended proposal)

Carlton Villa, 10 Compton Road, Winchester, SO23 9SL.

Case number:  17/03246/HOU


This application was withdrawn from the agenda on 4January 2019.



for issue Carlton Villa 10 Compton Road Winchester SO23 9SL (Case number: 17/03246/HOU){sidenav}{content}