Issue - decisions

Repairs to the Weirs adjacent to the River Itchen, Winchester

19/06/2019 - Repairs to the Weirs adjacent to the River Itchen, Winchester

1.            That total expenditure of £725,000 required for the remaining three phases of repair works to the river bank at The Weirs, Winchester and as detailed in paragraph 2.2 be approved.


2.            That approval is delegated to the Corporate Head of Regulatory Services to carry out an open tender procurement process and to appoint a Contractor to carry out the repair works to the river bank at the Weirs Winchester.


3.            That it is agreed to vary Contract Procedure Rule 29.1 re Tender Evaluation which provides for a 60:40 ratio for cost and quality so that the quality requirement for this procurement is increased to 60% and cost reduced to 40%.


for issue Repairs to the Weirs adjacent to the River Itchen, Winchester{sidenav}{content}