Issue - decisions

Abbots Worthy House, Martyr Worthy Road, Martyr Worthy, SO21 1DR (Case number: SDNP/19/01331/CND)

12/06/2019 - Abbots Worthy House, Martyr Worthy Road, Martyr Worthy, SO21 1DR

Item 14: (Amended Plans) Removal/variation of condition 2 of approved planning permission. Application Reference Number: SDNP/18/00679/FUL

Abbots Worthy House, Martyr Worthy Road, Abbots Worthy

Case number: SDNP/19/01331/CND


The Development Manager referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out an amendment to the approved plans list; a change to the application address to read Abbots Worthy instead of Martyr Worthy; and confirmation that the application had been re-advertised with amended plans on 8th May with no further representations received.


In addition, a verbal update was provided stating that the neighbour to the north at Well Cottage acknowledged the amendments to improve the dwelling. However, they still maintained their objection regarding the window size and detailing previously submitted. 


During public participation, Julia Howland and Rose Burns spoke in objection to the application and Tracy Payne (agent) spoke in support of the application and all answered Members’ questions thereon.


During public participation, Councillor Porter spoke on this item as Ward Member. 


In summary, Councillor Porter raised the following points:


-       Building well loved by residents which could be seen via the gated area.

-       The site had received a number of changes over the decades and changed in aspect with the seasons;

-       The most prominent window looked into the neighbouring property;

-       Need to be mindful of the use of materials in this historic building due to changes in its appearance and historic nature.


At the conclusion of debate, the Committee agreed to refuse permission for the following reason: Contrary to Policy CP13 or South Downs National Park Plan Policy SP5 (f) due to its architectural design, height and mass.

The precise wording of conditions to be delegated to the Development Manager, in consultation with the Chairman. 



for issue Abbots Worthy House, Martyr Worthy Road, Martyr Worthy, SO21 1DR (Case number: SDNP/19/01331/CND){sidenav}{content}