Issue - decisions

Land between Alton Road and Marlands Lane, West Meon (Case number: SDNP/18/05415/FUL)

12/06/2019 - Land between Alton Road and Marlands Lane, West Meon

Item 15: Erection of dwellinghouse with access onto Marlands Lane

Land between Alton Road and Marlands Lane, West Meon

Case number: SDNP/18/05415/FUL


During public participation, Aaron Smith (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


During public participation, Councillor Lumby spoke on this item as Ward Member. 


In summary, Councillor Lumby raised the following points:


-       Urged the Committee to look at the principle of development and consider whether the proposal was a suitable form of development or not;

-       Considered that an appeal would be submitted if the application was refused;

-       The area is surrounded by Housing and the area to the north is an exception site;

-       The application site is a hidden eyesore of no benefit to the South Downs National Park and on balance, supported the development.


At the conclusion of debate, the Committee agreed to refuse permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report. 



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