Issue - decisions

Recommended Archaeology Investigations for the Central Winchester Regeneration Site/St Maurice's Covert

28/08/2019 - Funding for Central Winchester Regeneration Archaeology

1.            That the commission of archaeological investigation in the Central Winchester Regeneration area be approved, through a two stage model, based on the principles of the specialist report received.

2.            That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to determine the specification of archaeological investigation works to be undertaken in consultation with the Cabinet Member: Housing and Assets. 

3.            That a revenue budget of £250,000 be approved to be funded from the Major Investment Reserve to undertake the archaeological investigation work.


4.            That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to establish the appropriate procurement process in accordance with the council’s contract procedure rules for the archaeological investigation works.


5.            That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to award and enter into the contract for archaeological investigation works, including all necessary legal agreements. 


6.            That an increase to the Central Winchester Regeneration project budget of £18,000 funded by the Major Investment Reserve be approved.


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