1. That the PEIR consultation response be agreed in general (attached as appendix D to this report) and the approach to seek positive environmental benefits from the scheme having regard to the Climate Emergency declaration adopted 5 June 2019 be endorsed, with any final amendments to the response being delegated to the Corporate Head of Regulatory, in consultation with the Cabinet Member: Built Environment and Wellbeing.
2. That the Strategic Director: Services be authorised to negotiate and enter into a planning performance agreement with Highways England to enable the City Council to fully participate in the DCO process.
3. That delegation to officers be agreed, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing the role of responding to the planning inspectorate with regard to the Council’s responsibilities as the host authority for the M3 Junction 9 improvement scheme Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project.
4. That a draft Local Impact Report be prepared and brought back to Cabinet that sets out the basis for an initial formal response to the Scheme to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate as part of the DCO application process.