Issue - decisions

Environmental Services - Award of Contract

15/11/2019 - Environmental Services - Award of Contract (less exempt appendices)


1.            That the contract for the provision of waste collection services be awarded and let from 26th September 2020 without the inclusion of a  food waste collection;


2.            That the contract for the provision of waste collection services be awarded to Bidder A in the sums tendered and on the terms set out in the procurement documents;


3.            That the Strategic Director – Services is authorised to issue notification of intention to award contracts to the bidder that received the highest score under the evaluation criteria and methodology used for the purposes of the tender evaluation and enter into the mandatory 10 day standstill period;


4.            That the Service Lead – Legal is authorised to finalise, prepare and enter into thecontract(s) for the provision of waste collection services to commence on 26th September 2020 to give effect to the outcome of the tender process.


5.            That opportunities continue to be pursued for food waste collection at the earliest practical opportunity, including evaluation of collaboration with other local authorities.




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