Issue - decisions

Aquind Interconnector Proposal - Response to Examination Stage (CAB3229)

11/03/2020 - Aquind Interconnector Response to Examination Stage

1.    That the contents of report CAB3229 be noted and that the points set out in this report that will form the basis of the Councils response to the application.


2.    That authority be delegated to the Service Lead Built Environment after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing, to make representations, submissions and decisions and respond to questions and issues raised by the Examining Authority to the Planning Inspectorate and Aquind during the Pre-Examination and Examination Stage. 


3.    That the contact group established with Denmead Parish Council, Hambledon Parish Council, Newlands Parish Council and Ward Councillors in respect of the Aquind application for a Development Consent Order be maintained until the end of the Examination process.



for issue Aquind Interconnector Proposal - Response to Examination Stage (CAB3229){sidenav}{content}