The Corporate Head of Housing introduced the report and outlined the reasons for the proposals. He requested that Recommendation 3 be amended to delete the words “subject to consultation with Portfolio Holder and appropriate panel approval” as the intention was to give the Officer delegation up to £100,000. This was agreed.
The Chairman emphasised that the report proposed that there be no cap on the level of a grant. The Corporate Head of Housing advised that if the recommendations were agreed, there was a current case that would required Portfolio Holder approval for a grant of approximately £250,000.
In response to questions, the Corporate Head of Housing advised that the underspend in the previous year was due to initial low demand for the grants. The Council were seeking to increase awareness and access to the grants and had employed an occupational therapist to assist with this process. The grants were not available for adaptations to Council owned properties (these would be funded through the Housing Revenue Account, as appropriate).
During debate, Members highlighted the benefits of enabling a person to remain in their own home, both in terms of the individual/families directly affected and savings to the wider public purse.
The Committee agreed to the following for the reasons outlined above and set out in the report.
1. That the
policy not to cap discretionary grants be approved.
2. That for grants larger than £30k, full specifications and drawings are required for approval by a pre-appointed officer panel (which should include a Council appointed Quantity Surveyor).
3. That the Corporate Head of Housing be given delegated authority to approve grants up to £100,000.
4. That in event of a larger than £100k grant, the Portfolio Holder for Housing be given authority to approve via a Portfolio Holder Decision Notice.