Issue - decisions

GP Surgery

25/06/2020 - Development Approach - New Doctors' Surgery (less exempt appendix)

1.      That the freehold or long leasehold disposal of the Upper Brook Street car park to a specialist primary healthcare developer be approved to enable delivery of a new doctors surgery, instead of direct development by the Council.


2.      That the arrangements detailed in report CAB3247 for the marketing and selection process for disposal of the Upper Brook Street car park site be approved.


3.      That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised to undertake marketing and the selection process for disposal of the Upper Brook Street car park site, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management, based on the disposal methodology set out in the report, involving a shortlist of specialist primary healthcare developers.


4.      That the Strategic Director – Place be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management, to select a preferred purchaser and negotiate and agree suitable heads of terms.


5.      That the Service Lead Legal be authorised to enter into legal agreements to dispose of the site to deliver a new doctors’ surgery.


6.      That final Cabinet approval is to be sought to approve the final heads of terms and the appointment of the preferred purchaser. 


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