Issue - decisions

Response to the Government's White Paper on Planning Reform - "Planning for the Future"

21/10/2020 - Response to the Government's White Paper on Planning Reform - "Planning for the Future"

1.     That the Council’s response and submission to the Government White Paper ‘Planning for the Future’ consultation issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government be approved, as set out in Appendix 1 of report CAB3262.


2.     That the City Council explore in principle working as a pilot authority with central government to develop a new-style local plan for Winchester City Council.


3.        That the City Council seek a meeting with the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government with a view to seeking clarification about how the City Council can progress a local plan bearing in mind the significant increase in housing numbers that are proposed in the government’s consultation document.


4.     That delegated authority be awarded to the Strategic Planning Manager in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing to make minor and typographical updates to the consultation response in Appendix 1.



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