Issue - decisions

Vaultex - provision of decked park & ride car park - financial appraisal

21/10/2020 - Vaultex site - Creation of a decked park and ride car park (less exempt appendix)

1.     That capital expenditure as set out in Exempt Appendix 2 of report CAB3263 be approved.


2.     That a supplementary estimate of up to £153,000, funded by prudential borrowing be approved, to enable installation of a green wall if feasible and practical to install at the car park.


3.     That Willmott Dixon be appointed to progress the construction of the decked car park based on the Feasibility Study through the preconstruction and construction stages to completion.


4.     That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Place and Service Lead Legal to negotiate and enter into preconstruction services and delivery agreements with Willmott Dixon which include a requirement for Willmott Dixon to appoint the Principal Designer; and to enter into any associated agreements such as leases, wayleaves, grant agreement as required to progress the decked car park.


5.     That Willmott Dixon submit a full planning application and undertake consultation supported by Council officers prior to such submission in accordance with statutory requirements and the parameters set out in  report CAB3263 at paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2. 



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