Issue - decisions

Consultation on the Strategic Issues & Priorities

20/01/2021 - Consultation on the Strategic Issues & Priorities

(1)   That the Strategic Issues & Priorities Document, as attached to report CAB3278 at Appendix 1, and publication and eight week public consultation under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 be approved.


(2)   That authority be delegatedto theStrategicPlanning Manager, inconsultation withthe Cabinet Member forBuiltEnvironment & Well Being, to undertake updating, drafting of any amendments and the visualization of the Strategic Issues & Priorities document required priorto publication and consultation on the document.


(3)   That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the Built Environment & Wellbeing, to amend the Local Development Scheme (LDS) to include consultation on the Strategic Issues & Priorities document in February/March 2021.


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