Issue - decisions

General Fund Budget 2021/22

25/02/2021 - Cabinet - 11 February 2021 - General Fund Budget 2021/22 (CAB3289) and General Fund Budget 2021/22 Update (CL160)

11/02/2021 - General Fund budget 2021/22

That it be recommended to Council to:


1.    Agree the level of General Fund Budget for 2021/22, and recommend the summary as shown in Appendix A of CAB3289.


2.    Support the investment proposals set out in section 15 of this report, including:

a.    Additional staff provision to support the delivery of the Movement Strategy at an annual cost of £60,000

b.    £60,000 per annum in to cover potential additional costs in relation to Meadowside leisure centre

c.    Increased provision for Local Council Tax Support, with £169,000 additional one off provision to the Council’s Hardship Fund, funded directly from Government grant

d.    Provision of £250,000 to meet Covid related/recovery costs in 2021/22 funded from the “tranche 5” Covid grant confirmed in the Government Settlement.

e.    Additional revenue budget provision, funded from the Major Investment Reserve, of £2m required to fund Central Winchester Regeneration project work in 2021/22 and 2022/23, subject to the approval of the business case which will be brought to Cabinet later in the year.

f.     Additional revenue provision, funded from the Major Investment Reserve of £250,000 to fund the creation of an interim open space at the Friarsgate site in Winchester.


3.    Approve the savings proposals set out in section 16 of the report, including:

a.    The implementation of “cashless parking”, phased over 2 years.

b.    Fees and charges for services to be increased by an average of 3% (not including parking charges or garden waste, where no increase is proposed for April 2021)

c.    Building Control fees increase by 10% on average.

d.    That no additional revenue contributions be made to the Property and Asset Reserve and that use of the reserve be reviewed as part of the refresh of the Asset Management Strategy in 2021.

e.    That the annual revenue contribution to the Car Park and Transport  reserve be reduced to £150,000 per annum for the next four years

f.     The budget for “small grants” is reduced by £15,000

g.    A one year grant agreement based on a maximum grant of £147,200 for “Play to the Crowd”.

h.    That financial support for the annual Criterium event is not continued.


4.    That £1.5m be transferred from the Transitional Reserve to the Major Investment Reserve to ensure sufficient resources are available to cover major investment after accounting for the CWR provision set out in recommendation 2 e) above.


5.    That the policy as previously agreed by the Council on 14 July 1999 (min 186 refers) is confirmed to treat all expenses of the Council as General Expenses other than those specifically identified and itemised in the Winchester Town Account.  In consequence of which the sum of £1,061,591 be treated as Special Expenses under Section 35 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 in respect of the Winchester Town area, Appendix D.


6.    That the Council Tax for the Special Expenses in the Winchester Town area at Band D for 2021/22 be increased to £73.41.


7.    That the deficit balance on the Council Tax Collection Fund for distribution to this Council, calculated in January 2021 of £153,843.75, be approved.


8.    Recommend the level of Council Tax at Band D for City Council services for 2021/22 be increased to £147.38.


9.    Note the Council Tax requirements per parish area, listed in Appendix E.



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