That it be recommended that Council*:
1. Approve the 2021/22 Housing Revenue Account budget as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 to report CAB3290.
2. Approve a rent increase in 2021/22 in accordance with the Government’s national rent standard (September CPI + 1%) resulting in an average rent increase of 1.5%.
3. Approve the HRA capital programme as set out in appendices 3 and 4 of report CAB3290.
4. Approve capital expenditure in 2021/22 of £11.027m for the Maintenance, Improvement and Renewal programme as detailed in Appendix 3 of the report, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rule 7.4
5. Approve funding for the HRA Capital Programme, as detailed in Appendix 5 of report CAB3290.
6. Approve the HRA Financial Plan operating account extract, including annual working balances, as detailed in Appendix 6 of report CAB3290.
7. Approve the creation of an Energy Officer post to facilitate the council’s carbon reduction agenda and embed it within the current and future housing stock at a cost of £53k.
8. Agree to support the proposed increase in capital funding of £2.5m in retro fitting capital funding which will increase the funding available for climate change initiatives over the next 10 years to £15.675m (including inflation) .
9. Agree to support the proposal for a £10m investment in the purchase of a potential site for new housing development, as well as £0.5m for nitrate mitigation offset measures.
10. Agree to support the allocation of an additional £0.2m of investment as described at paragraph 17.2 of the report for sewage treatment works
11. Approve the increase in budgetary provision of £0.064m to support the increase in costs of the current 1 year Orchard contract and enable officers to procure a longer term 3 year contract.
12. That an additional one off sum of £0.5m, funded from the existing HRA balance, be set aside to fund additional support for Council tenants and that officers bring forward formal proposals in July 2021, following discussions with TACT and tenants
*NB Recommendations to Council are not subject to call-in
The following recommendations were agreed by Cabinet (subject to call-in):
13. Approve that, subject to the agreement of the contractor, the housing term maintenance contracts (Lot 1 - day to day responsive repairs and Lot 2 - repair and re-instatement of empty properties), currently awarded to Osborne Property Services Ltd, be extended for a further and final period of five years (from 1/8/2021 to 31/7/2026) in accordance with Exception to Contract Procedure Rules 41.1(e).
14. Agree that, the current contract (with British Gas T/A PH Jones) for heating appliance servicing and responsive repairs not be extended beyond 30/9/2021 and that, for the new contract, delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director - Services following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management to:
a. select a suitable competitive procurement option
b. Select and subscribe to (if deemed appropriate and necessary) an existing external Framework agreement to procure these works.
c. select and invite contractors to be invited to tender or mini-competition
d. evaluate tenders
e. select a preferred bidder and prepare, award and enter into the contract
15. Approve that the evaluation for heating appliance servicing and responsive repairs tender be assessed on the basis of Most Economically Advantageous Tender and the tender model utilised to be 50% Cost, 50% Quality.
16. Agree that authority is delegated to the Service Lead – Legal to prepare and enter into the contracts to enable the extension of the contract with Osborne and a contract for the heating appliance servicing and responsive repairs of the city councils housing stock.