1. That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to prepare and submit a planning application to the statutory planning authority to obtain planning permission for the construction of 8 properties at Dyson Drive, Abbotts Barton.
2. That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to invite tenders to undertake the design and build of 8 properties at Dyson Drive, using a standard JCT Design and Build Contract.
3. That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to negotiate and agree terms for easements, wayleaves and related agreements with utility providers, telecom/media suppliers, Highways Authority and neighbours and other related agreements in order to facilitate the development, subject to final decision to proceed with the Scheme.
4. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head of Asset Management to appropriate the land located within the red line on plan 1 in Appendix 1 unless objections are received, in which case a report shall be brought back to Cabinet, with due regard to the consultation, a recommendation and setting out whether any statutory compensation is payable.
5. That authority be delegated to the Corporate Head of Asset Management to dispose of the open space land located within the red line on plan 1 at Appendix 1 unless objections are received, in which case, a report shall be brought back to Cabinet with due regard to the consultation and a recommendation.
6. That the consultation of the proposed disposal of the public open space land at Dyson Drive be approved in accordance with the requirements of Section 123 (2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and the appropriation of the land for planning purposes.
7. That the Corporate Head of Asset Management be authorised to approve expenditure of pre-construction costs up to £75,000 and that this work proceeds at a financial risk to the Council.
8. That a Final Business Case report is brought to Members after tenders are evaluated and the final tender price is known, to agree whether to proceed with the scheme and to award and enter into a construction design and build contract with the preferred bidder.
9. That a deviation from the tender evaluation model within Contract Procedure Rules (60%cost /40% quality) be approved to use a tender evaluation model giving more emphasis to quality than cost (60% quality /40% cost).