Meeting documents

Wednesday, 2nd November, 2005 7.00 pm

Business Items
 Agenda 2 November 2005Agenda 2 November 2005 
 Cabinet - 26 July 2005CAB1089-Capital-Strategy-2005-APPENDIX-ANNEX 
 Cabinet - 12 October 2005CAB1135-South-East-Plan-Cabinet-report-12.10.05 
 Cabinet - 14 September 2005CAB1118-Winchester-Alliance-for-Mental-Health.-Final-doc 
 Principal Scrutiny Committee - 17 October 2005PS0203-Appendix-A 
 Cabinet - 12 October 2005CAB1124-Periodic-Electoral-Reviews 
 Cabinet - 26 July 2005CAB1098-Minor-changes-to-constitution-re-Portfolio-Holder-delegationHbamends 
 Cabinet - 14 September 2005CAB1115-Temporary-Stop-Notices-Explanation-of-new-powers-FINAL 
 Planning Development Control Committee - 5 October 2005PDC0584-106-delegation 
 Principal Scrutiny Committee - 11 July 200505.07.11 
 Resources Scrutiny Panel - 13 July 200505.07.13-FINAL 
 Local Economy Scrutiny Panel - 18 July 200505.07.18 
 Environment Scrutiny Panel - 19 July 200505.7.19 
 Social Issues Scrutiny Panel - 21 July 200505.7.21 
 Statement of Accounts Committee - 26 July 200505.07.26 
 Cabinet - 26 July 200505.07.26 
 Planning Development Control Committee - 27 July 200505.07.27 
 Planning Development Control Committee - 28 July 200505.07.28 
 Planning Development Control Committee - 7 September 200505.09.07 
 Planning Development Control Committee - 8 September 200505.09.08 
 Principal Scrutiny Committee - 12 September 200505.09.12pdf 
 Cabinet - 14 September 200505.09.14pdf 
 Licensing and Regulation Committee - 22 September 200505.09.22 
 Personnel Committee - 26 September 200505.09.26 
 West of Waterlooville Forum - 3 October 200505.10.031 
 Planning Development control Committee - 5 October 200505.10.05-non-exempt-version 
 Planning Development Control Committee - 6 October 200505.10.06-non-exempt-version 
 Cabinet - 12 October 200505.10.12-non-exempt-version 
 Winchester Town Forum - 13 October 200505.10.13-Winchester-Town-Forum-Cllrs-Minutes 
 Principal Scrutiny Committee - 17 October 200505.10.17-non-Exempt 
Agenda 2 November 2005 
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 20 July 2005 (Pages 121-127)05.07.20 
 View Minutes for this Meeting05.11.02-Finalgreybookversion 
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive. 
3To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14.1-Saunders-Temporary-Adverts 
4To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15.
Any questions will be availble to view 3 November 2005
5To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes: 
6To receive the Minutes of the following Committees: 
7The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council 
8Cabinet - 14 September 2005CAB1121-Upper-Brook-Street-Car-Park-EXEMPT-FINAL


Council on Wednesday, 2nd November, 2005, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}