Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th May, 2013 7.00 pm

Business Items
 Minutes 15 May 2013
1To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year. 
2To move a vote of thanks to the Retiring Mayor. 
3To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year. 
4The Leader to announce the appointment of the Deputy Leader (Vice Chairman of Cabinet) and the other Members of Cabinet. 
5To elect the Chairman of each of the following bodies (or other bodies as Council may determine) for the ensuing year:-

(a) The Overview and Scrutiny Committee

(b) Audit Committee

(c) Licensing and Regulation Committee

(d) Planning Development Control Committee

(e) Personnel Committee

(f) Any Task & Finish or other Committee to be established

6To determine the number of seats to be allocated to each group on and to elect the remaining Members of the following bodies (or other bodies as Council may determine) for the ensuing year:-

(a) The Overview and Scrutiny Committee

(b) Audit Committee

(c) Licensing and Regulation Committee

(d) Planning Development Control Committee

(e) Personnel Committee

(f) Any Task & Finish or other Committee to be established

7To pass the following resolution in respect of the Standards Committee:

'That the Standards Committee be established for 2013/14 with seven City Councillors.'

8To elect the Chairman and appoint the remaining six Members of the Standards Committee. 
9To agree that the Standards Committee be authorised to appoint three Parish Representatives to serve as non-voting co-opted members for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 Municipal Years.

Also to agree that the Standards Committee recommend to Council on 17 July 2013 the appointment of one further Independent Person for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 Municipal Years to join the two Independent Persons already appointed.

10To pass the following resolution in respect of the Winchester Town Forum:

'That the Winchester Town Forum be established for 2013/14 with membership comprising all Members who represent the six Winchester Town Wards'.

11To pass the following resolution in respect of the Appeals and Disputes Committee:

'That alternative arrangements other than proportional representation apply for meetings of the Committee for 2013/14'

12To elect the Chairman and appoint the remaining eight Members of the Appeals and Disputes Committee. 
13To pass the following resolution in respect of the Housing (Appeals) Committee:

'That alternative arrangements other than proportional representation apply for membership of the Committee for 2013/14

14To elect the Chairman and appoint the remaining two Members (and Deputies) of the Housing (Appeals) Committee. 
15To sign the Armed Forces Covenant as agreed by the Council at its meeting held on 20 March 2013. 


Council on Wednesday, 15th May, 2013, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}