Meeting documents

Wednesday, 15th July, 2015 7.00 pm

Business Items
 Minutes 15 July 2015
1To confirm the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 1 April 2015 less exempt minute150401LessEx 
2To receive any communications from the Mayor Leader or Chief Executive 
3Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council's Code of Conduct.

4To answer questions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 14150715-AllQuestions 
5To receive petitions (if any) under Council Procedure Rule 15

6To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:CAB2700 
7Silver Hill - Submissions By Silverhill Winchester No 1 Ltd And Council's Response (Exempt Appendices)CAB2700-ExApp9
8To consider whether to adjourn full Council to allow a Special Meeting of Cabinet to occur to consider any recommendations of full Council on Silver Hill above to be considered and determined.

NOTE: If the meeting of full Council is not adjourned at this point the Special Meeting of Cabinet will take place immediately after the full Council meeting has concluded with a further adjournment of Cabinet to 16 July if necessary.

9To consider and determine the following Recommended MinutesCAB2706 
10153 High Street WinchesterCAB2706-AddendumEXEMPT
11To consider and determine the following Recommended Minutes:PER0272 
12Notices of Motion

i) To consider the following Notice of Motion to be moved by Councillor Tod

'This Council:

€ Notes the new Government's proposal to extend the Right to Buy to Housing Association tenants to be paid for by selling off the most expensive Council Housing stock nationally;

€ Notes that housing prices in the Winchester District are amongst the top 10% of prices in the UK so a policy of funding the programme through selling off 'high value vacant council houses' could pose a particular threat to our housing stock;

€ Notes with alarm the shortage of affordable rented homes in Winchester and is very concerned that the proposed government plans risk making matters worse;

€ Notes that the 173 authorities like Winchester who own council houses will be heavily subsiding the 150 authorities that don't.

Council is very concerned about the potential effect this will have on our own housing stock and instructs the Assistant Director (Housing) to write a report for Cabinet and The Overview and Scrutiny Committee setting out the potential impact on our stock across the District.

Council further calls on the Portfolio Holder for Housing to write to all housing associations within the District to seek their views on the proposed legislation.'

ii) To consider the following Notice of Motion to be moved by Councillor J Berry

'The Council notes that the Queen's speech included plans for legislation to extend the right to buy to housing associations and that the Department for Communities and Local Government has stated that to help fund this policy councils will be required to sell their most expensive housing when it falls vacant.

This Council as a council which has retained ownership and management of its council homes believes that this may force the Council to sell properties that are considered to b

13The making or termination of appointments to bodies set up by the Council.

14Exempt Minute of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 1 April 2015150401ExOnly
15Exempt Minutes 15 July 201515.07.15-Council-FINAL-ex


Council on Wednesday, 15th July, 2015, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}