Issue - meetings

Temporary accommodation plan & pathways

Meeting: 05/11/2024 - Cabinet Committee: Housing (Item 9)

9 Temporary Accommodation Plan & Pathways pdf icon PDF 627 KB


That the following are agreed –


1.1.    That 80-82 Sussex Street is re-purposed as temporary accommodation.


1.2.    That the current move-on policy for households in council-owned Temporary Accommodation be amended.


1.3.    That the expansion of the provision of supported accommodation at Trinity: Winchester be supported.


1.4.    That the Council’s lettings policy in respect of Sheltered Accommodation be amended.


1.5.    That the revised move on policy for applicants residing at The Quakers be agreed.


1.6.    That the council enter into negotiations with Hampshire County Council regarding the level of funding that the council require from HCC to support the households affected by the closure of Westview House in light of the social inclusion finding being extended until March 2026. The support required is outlined in recommendations 1.7 to 1.9 below.


1.7.    That a housing first worker be established to support the delivery of an in-house housing first model.


1.8.    That the role of the Complex Needs Navigator continue to be funded for 18 months.


1.9.    That an in house ‘tenancy ready post’ be established to provide intensive support to help the individuals who are directly impacted from the HCC funding cuts to be able to move on and successfully sustain their tenancy within a community.


1.10.That the temporary staffing posts of the Outreach Worker and the Strategic Housing Support Worker be extended until 31 March 2027.


1.11.That this strategy will be reviewed in twelve months in light of confirmed additional demand and the impact of proposals.


1.12.That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director with housing responsibility in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing to agree any further additional spending of the homelessness prevention grant reserve or the allocation of the 25/26 Homeless Prevention grant and any new or additional grants awarded to the council by Central government that support preventing homelessness and rough sleeping.



Councillor Westwood introduced the report.


Ian Tait addressed the committee during public participation as summarised briefly below.


He addressed the meeting regarding the ongoing issue of residents being threatened with homelessness by their social landlords. He mentioned his role in advocacy for these individuals and expressed interest in the council’s plans for 88 Sussex Street. The property, which required significant structural repairs, was previously mentioned to be relet as two flats once the repairs were completed. He inquired about the status and timeline for these repairs.

Additionally, Mr. Tait highlighted the recent actions of Bournemouth Churches Housing Association, which had disposed of its Winchester properties that once provided temporary and supported housing for around 36 individuals. He emphasised the negative impact of this loss on the availability of temporary accommodation in Winchester and expressed his appreciation for the efforts of officers and the cabinet in addressing this issue.


Councillor Westwood and the Strategic Director responded to the comments made.


Councillor Westwood and officers present responded to questions and comments raised by councillors on the report as follows:


a)    The financial pressures on the council and the impact of budget measures addressing homelessness.


b)    The timing of new funding allocations for homelessness and the flexibility required to manage unknowns regarding grant continuations.


c)    The decision by Hampshire County Council to extend its funding until March 2026 and the status of the 29 bed spaces at Westview House and whether there were plans for another provider to take over the facility.


d)    The projected figures for the number of households requiring assistance and the basis for these projections.


e)    Further clarification was sought on the council’s approach to assisted moves for under-occupying tenants and the potential for upgrading the assisted move offer.


f)      Further details regarding the proposed tenancy-ready officer post and its role in helping individuals move through to appropriate accommodation.


g)    Clarification was requested on the use of 82 Sussex Street as temporary accommodation.


h)    The change to the current move-on policy for households in council-owned temporary accommodation.


i)      The expansion of supported accommodation provision at Trinity and the expected throughput of residents.


j)      The amendment of the council’s lettings policy in respect to sheltered accommodation and the impact on current tenants.


k)    The delivery of a housing-first model and the provision of support for individuals with high needs.


l)      Further clarification was sought on the housing pathways and the resources available to the housing options team to deliver the proposed changes.


m)  The impact of prisoner releases on homelessness services and the council’s preparedness for such events.

n)    Consideration of other properties for temporary accommodation and the viability of using Barnes House (or obtaining a capital receipt).


o)    Further clarification was sought on the council’s relationships with other organisations mentioned in the housing pathways and their role in delivering support.


The Cabinet Committee agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




That the following be agreed:


1.       That 80-82 Sussex Street is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9

Meeting: 20/02/2024 - Economy and Housing Policy Committee (Item 6)

6 Accommodation Strategy for Homeless Households pdf icon PDF 232 KB


That the Policy Committee reviews and provides comments on the options available to address predicted homelessness demand and that they will be subject to consultation before agreement at Cabinet Committee: Housing.



Councillor Chris Westwood, Cabinet Member for Housing introduced the report, ref EHP48 which set out proposals for the “Accommodation Strategy for Homeless Households”, (available here). The introduction included the following points.


  1. He highlighted the national increase in homelessness, with councils in England spending £1.7 billion annually on temporary housing.
  2. That Hampshire County Council's spending review to save £132 million, would affect social inclusion services in the district.
  3. That Winchester City Council was committed to preventing and relieving homelessness through partnerships with organisations like Trinity and the Winchester Beacon.
  4. The district's efficient use of housing stock to keep bed and breakfast usage low, amidst concerns over rising homelessness and potential funding cuts.
  5. The report aimed to assess the projected level of homelessness in the district and explore options for managing this growth and its financial impact on the Council.

Karen Thorburn, Service Lead - Strategic Housing provided the committee with an update which included the following:


  1. She highlighted the projections based on past and future demands for temporary accommodation, as shown in Appendix 2 of the report.
  2. That without adopting new strategies or exploring alternatives, the shortfall in bed spaces could reach 139, significantly impacting both the council's finances and individuals facing homelessness.
  3. That the potential financial burden of emergency accommodation was discussed, with costs ranging from just under £80,000 for short stays to nearly half a million pounds for longer stays in bed and breakfast accommodation.
  4. Several options were presented to bridge the gap, including the potential management changes of Sussex St to provide additional bed spaces, and revising the move-on policy to accelerate the transition of households from temporary accommodation.
  5. Other strategies included support for Trinity to convert spaces for additional accommodation, reviewing the letting strategy for sheltered accommodation, and utilising Eastacre for shared temporary accommodation.
  6. The report also considered the financial and operational implications of each option and outlined the next steps, including responding to budget consultations and revising policies to manage the costs of emergency accommodation.
  7. The importance of stakeholder and resident consultations as part of a comprehensive strategy to address homelessness, and that the intention was to present a full accommodation strategy to the Cabinet Committee: Housing later this year.

Tony Goldsby, on behalf of Trinity, addressed the committee and highlighted the following points.


  1. That the closure of key support facilities, Westview and Sussex St. was regretted.
  2. He wanted to commit to overcoming the challenges posed by these closures and supported the strategies outlined by the report.
  3. That Trinity wished to expand its provision of quality housing with comprehensive support services, emphasising the critical role of support in successful housing and community integration.
  4. He referred to the introduction of a project which aimed to establish emergency overnight rooms and was currently seeking planning approval to provide immediate relief to the issues discussed.
  5. He advised of efforts to secure additional accommodation through land donations, working in collaboration with local authorities and stakeholders.
  6. He stressed the importance of an integrated approach with local charities, shelter workers,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6


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