Issue - meetings

Q2 Financial and Performance Monitoring

Meeting: 12/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 8)

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Councillor Horrill advised that The Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the Report at its meeting on 26 November and had raised no significant comments for Cabinet to consider.  Councillor Horrill acknowledged the Committee’s request for additional milestones to be added to each of the major project monitoring reports, so that forward progress was able to be measured and monitored and it was confirmed that this would be implemented.


Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons outlined in the Report.




1.         That progress achieved during the second quarter of 2018/19 be noted and that the content of the report be noted.


2.         That supplementary revenue budgets of £75,000 related to grants of £50,000 to the Winchester Science Centre and £25,000 be approved.


3.         That a supplementary capital budget and authority to incur capital expenditure of £97,000 in 2018/19, in order to purchase IDOX IT licences, be approved.


Meeting: 26/11/2018 - z The Overview and Scrutiny Committee - DISCONTINUED (Item 6)

6 Q2 Financial and Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 738 KB


(Report OS212 refers)


The Strategic Director (Resources) and Councillor Ashton introduced the Report and together with the other members of Cabinet present, they responded to detailed questions.  Councillor Ashton drew Members attention to the forecast underspend for the year ahead of just under £0.5m and the Council’s financial position, corporate performance indicators and project milestones, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report 


The Committee asked a number of questions on the following which were responded to by the relevant Officers and/or Portfolio Holders present:


(i)        Development Management Income – The Strategic Director:             Resources clarified that as there was not always a linear trajectory   between the two, it would prove difficult to forecast increases in the      establishment for the current year and the level of planning applications   that came through for consideration. This matter would continue to be           monitored and reviewed going forward;

(ii)        Future funding for the LEADER programme;

(iii)       Strategic Asset Purchase – The Strategic Director: Resources reported                   that this was the current position as although the Council had                            submitted bids, these had not been successful at this stage so no                               further transactions had been progressed. However, officers were                                     confident that further opportunities would arise which would result in a                         good return for the taxpayer, but  that financial caution would continue                  to be exercised in this respect;

(iv)       The rollout of superfast broadband in rural locations;

(v)        Establishing a Housing Company – It was reported that a report would                   be taken to Cabinet (Housing) Committee early in the new year to                                    consider proposals, members aspirations, capacity to operate outside               of the HRA and financial viability;

(vi)       Article 4 Directions  in further areas of Winchester (i.e. Fulflood and                       Badger Farm) to deal an increasing levels of Houses of Multiple                                    Occupation (HMO’s). The Strategic Director: Resources confirmed that                      a report back on timescales in this respect would come forward to the                        Committee shortly;

(vii)      Flytipping – Councillor Warwick clarified that HCC appoint the lead                                    officer for flytipping and are partnering with the District in covert                                     surveillance work;  

(viii)     Air Pollution  – In relation to achieving a Lower Carbon Council, it was                  reported that the Low Carbon Board would be tasked with a review and                        refresh of the actions previously set in 2015/16. The Membership of                 this Board was also due to be reviewed to look at potential partners                      going forward;

(ix)       The future installation of Solar PV at Council properties;

(x)        Major project statuses and milestones to be continually updated to                          reflect many changes to scheduled timescales;

(xi)       Continued engagement with local cycling groups on the Council’s                                     major projects – Councillor Warwick clarified that cycling formed an                                   important part of the Movement Strategy and that issues related to                            cycling needed to be taken forward as a response to the Strategy to                         feed into this process;

(xii)      Staff sickness levels; and

(xiii)    The number of days taken to process new housing and Council Tax benefit support claims.




1.         That the Committee welcomes the continued improvements in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6


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