Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live audio stream can be listened to via
Contact: Nancy Graham Email: 01962 848 235
No. | Item |
Apologies To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate). Minutes: Apologies for the meeting were noted as above.
Disclosures of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillor Weir declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest as a trustee of the University of Winchester Academy Trust which operated the Barton Farm Academy.
Minutes of the meeting of the 19 October 2021 PDF 212 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 October 2021 be approved and adopted.
Public Participation PDF 167 KB To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public and the Residents Association on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum.
Members of the public and visiting councillors may speak at the Forum, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services by 5pm on Wednesday 12 January 2022 via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details. Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed Mike Slinn (Vice-Chair of the Kings Barton Residents Association (KBRA)) to the meeting.
Mr Slinn drew attention to the notes of the meeting held on 13 January 2022 between KBRA and CALA homes which had been circulated prior to the Forum meeting and was available on the website here.
He raised the following points: · A successful social event had been held outside in the main park within phase 1B; · Discussions with HCC were progressing and been advised that the pedestrian traffic signal crossing along Andover Road would be in place by autumn 2022; · No further update available on the design of Winchester Avenue; · The resurfacing of the main ridgeway pathway from Andover Road to the school had been confirmed but commencement date not yet know. · The KBRA were looking for a new chairperson as Ms Zucca had stepped down.
At the invitation of the Chair, County Councillor Porter addressed the meeting and, in summary, raised the following points: · Suggested that issues regarding the Winchester Avenue be a separate item for discussion at a future Forum meeting; · With regard to the resurfacing of the main ridgeway footpath, stated that the Hampshire County Council (HCC) had agreed to underwrite the costs of any works. Requested that CALA provide a more permanent solution to the Heras fencing currently used along the route. · Requested an update from CALA regarding the build fault encountered by householders in phase 1B relating to roof ventilation. · Noted that the Wellhouse Lane bridge works were progressing requested that the related foot and cycle path links to the development be completed in tandem.
The Chair noted the comments and agreed that, where appropriate, these be considered under the update report below. She also congratulated the KBRA on organising the recent successful event.
Presentation Minutes: The Forum received a presentation from Mr Hickman (Head of Programme – Place) and Mr Jowsey (HCC) was also present to respond to questions. The presentation is available on the council’s website here.
Mr Slinn (KBRA) and Forum members raised the following points: · One Member queried the number of responses to the consultation survey referred to in the presentation? It was agreed to provide details to the councillor. · Concerns regarding the compatibility of the proposal to use Andover Road for high speed bus services as well as a cycle route. Mr Jowsey advised that this proposal was only one option under consideration and confirmed that as part of this, the interaction with cyclists, pedestrians and local residents would be considered. In addition, Mr Jowsey confirmed that this proposal would require a new or variation to the existing planning permission. Mr Hickman also highlighted that such a change would also require the agreement of CALA homes. · Mr Hickman and Mr Jowsey encouraged KBRA (and other residents individually and groups) to respond to the current consultation. They confirmed that both Andover Road and Worthy Lane had been identified as priority cycling and walking routes into the city centre. · The potential impact of the delay in St John Moore (SJM) barracks becoming available was raised and requested clarification regarding the intended number of spaces for the park and ride site. Mr Hickman confirmed that discussions with SJM were ongoing and there were other potential sites/ approaches which could be considered. The number of spaces required would be re-examined having regard to the impact of Covid on working patterns. · In terms of next steps, Mr Hickman and Mr Jowsey advised that the consultation responses would be considered by the joint movement strategy board which included representatives from both WCC and HCC. If any changes to the current Strategy were recommended, it was envisaged that these would be submitted to a separate executive member decision day at both WCC and HCC for approval. · Mr Hickman confirmed that officer level discussions were regularly held with the Local Plan team to ensure their work was aligned with the direction of the movement strategy.
The Chair thanked the officers for their presentation and responding to questions.
Election/governance issues (verbal update) Minutes: Mrs Vincent (Governance Manager) provided an update with regard to election/governance issues relating to Kings Barton and responded to Members’ questions as summarised below.
Polling station Mrs Vincent advised that in accordance with Electoral Commission advice, the use of schools as polling stations was not permitted during the ongoing Covid pandemic, including for the forthcoming May 2022 elections. Noting that construction of the new community centre was some time ahead, discussions were ongoing with the Kings Barton Academy regarding the possibility of using it for a polling station in 2023. Alternative options included the use of a porta cabin, however this was expensive and created more practical difficulties so the use of the school would be a first preference.
Parish council review Mrs Vincent advised that any change in the number of parish councillors required a formal community governance review (CGR) which would take up to 12 months and could generate a number of alternative options. A CGR for Whiteley was soon to begin and because of limited resources it was proposed that a governance review including Kings Barton commence once this work had been concluded. This review would include the Kings Barton development, Headbourne Worthy parish in addition to Littleton and Harestock parish. The ongoing workload for Headbourne Worthy parish councillors was noted and it was highlighted that there was currently one vacancy on the council.
The Chair thanked Mrs Vincent for the update and responding to questions.
Kings Barton Implementation Update Report PDF 217 KB (Report reference KBF34) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Forum noted that additional appendices had been circulated prior to the meeting and published on the Council’s website here.
Mr Hughes (Major Development Team Leader) outlined the contents of his report and, along with Mr Hill and Mr Curry (CALA) and Mr Jowsey (HCC) responded to Members’ questions and comments as summarised below. With regard to the high level completion schedule circulated as Appendix 1, Mr Hughes advised that he would include further explanatory detail for future meetings.
· With regard to the local centre, Mr Hill clarified that it was intended to re-examine the existing planning permissions having regard to changing priorities, the views of stakeholders and demands of end users and partners. A high level update would be provided at the next Forum meeting. Following this, more consultation and engagement with local residents and key stakeholders would be undertaken, if possible including an in person consultation event. The importance of tying in with results of the Winchester Movement and Access Strategy was noted. · With regard to Wellhouse Lane bridge works and related path, Mr Hughes advised he would circulate an updated drawing of the path route to Forum members. Mr Curry confirmed that it was the intention that the path would be completed by the time the Lane was reopened. · During discussion of the intended completion schedule, Mr Hill and Mr Curry explained that possible changes proposed to the Harestock Road junction/Winchester Avenue as a result of the consultation on the Winchester Movement Strategy could lead to delays. · Mr Hughes advised that the first informal officer working group meeting with CALA had taken place on 7 January 2022 and it was intended these be held monthly. The group included officers from WCC and HCC.
Mr Hughes referred to the outstanding questions raised by County Councillor Porter and Mr Slinn earlier in the meeting and the following update was provided:
· With regard to issues experienced by the residents of Phase 1B in relation to roof ventilation, Mr Curry agreed to investigate further and report back; · The issues surrounding the muddy path to and from the school had been raised at the informal working group meeting and CALA had agreed to look at a temporary solution. · Winchester Avenue and specifically flooding issues was agreed as an item to be considered further at the next meeting. .
S106 Triggers - Updated Table PDF 212 KB (Report reference KBF35) Additional documents: Minutes: The Forum noted the contents of the report.