Agenda and minutes

Kings Barton Forum - Tuesday, 16th March, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live audio stream can be listened to via

Contact: Matthew Watson Email: 01962 848 317 


No. Item



To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate).


Apologies for the meeting were noted as above.




Disclosures of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.


Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.



Councillor Weir declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to her being a Trustee of the University of Winchester Academy Trust and that matters relating to the Academy Trust may be discussed.


Councillor Porter declared a non-pecuniary interest concerning agenda items that may be related to her role as a Hampshire County Councillor.




Chairperson's Announcements


There were no announcements.




Minutes of the meeting of the 19 January 2021 pdf icon PDF 24 KB

That the minutes of the meeting be signed as a correct record.





That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 January 2021 be approved and adopted.




Public Participation

To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public and the Residents Association on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum.


Members of the public and visiting councillors may speak at the Forum, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services by 5pm on the 10th March via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details.



The Chairperson welcomed the following to the meeting; Carol Manning, Chris Poulter, Caterina Zucca (Chair of the Kings Barton Residents Association (KBRA)) and Mike Slinn (Vice-Chair of the Kings Barton Residents Association (KBRA)).


Carol Manning addressed the forum regarding a sewerage and drainage problem experienced by residents in phase 1A. Mr Hill of CALA confirmed that he had been made aware of the issue and that CALA had undertaken CCTV monitoring which had been inconclusive. He confirmed that CALA continued to investigate and that he would report back to the forum and the KBRA as soon as possible.


Chris Poulter addressed the forum regarding the new cycle track across Barton Meadows. Mr Poulter felt the track to be substandard, particularly concerning the timber edging, topsoil banking and also the surface material. Mr Poulter asked several questions which included;


  • Which design and build standards had been used for this scheme?
  • How would compliance with those standards be assessed?
  • If the required standards had not been achieved then could the issue be tabled at a future meeting of this forum?


Caterina Zucca and Mike Slinn raised several points on behalf of the KBRA which included;


  • the opening of the play park
  • the condition of the road surface on Bingham Road
  • the progress with the installation of street furniture
  • the progress with the installation of 20 miles per hour speed limit signs
  • the progress with the installation of shared road space signage,
  • the Wellhouse lane footpath and cycle path.


Mike Slinn also confirmed that he had circulated a list of issues regarding phase 1A to Mr Hughes.


Councillor Iredale updated the forum on two issues, firstly, that isolated instances of anti-social behaviour had been reported by residents and secondly that a local polling station would not be available for this year’s elections.


It was agreed that Mr Hughes and Mr Hill of CALA would respond to these points as part of their update to the forum in items 7 and 8 of the agenda.




VIVID - verbal update and Q&A


The Chairperson advised that VIVID had been unable to attend this evening’s meeting as planned but that they would be invited to attend a future meeting, it was agreed to extend the invitation to Home Group Housing Association.




S106 Triggers - Updated Table pdf icon PDF 212 KB

(Report Reference KBF31)

Additional documents:



(Report Reference KBF31)


Mr Hughes introduced the report and explained that following the request at the previous meeting the table of triggers had been coded with a traffic light system to reflect the status of each trigger. Mr Hughes then responded to the points raised under the public participation section of the meeting and advised of the measures available to a local authority should a developer not meet its S106 obligations. He also updated the forum regarding the current status of the Wellhouse Lane works which were awaiting technical approval.


Regarding the earlier question concerning the Courtenay Road Foot/Cycleway, Mr Hughes informed that the planning permission did not require CALA to construct the path to a certain specification and that much of the design and construction had been determined in a way to minimise impact to the existing trees along the avenue.


Mr Hill of CALA referred to the earlier question regarding the footpath on phase 1B and confirmed that he would take the issue away and consider it further. He also advised that following the meeting he would be contacting colleagues regarding the road surface issues on Bingham Road, the street furniture and speed limiter signs.


Members debated the report and asked several questions, particularly focussing on:


  • the Wellhouse Lane Junction,
  • the Community Development Worker role
  • transport agreement triggers
  • travel plan issues such as the car club,
  • access from Phase 1A to the nature reserve
  • the impact on transport infrastructure within the surrounding area
  • the County Councils expenditure of S106 monies


These points were responded to by Mr Hughes and Mr Hill accordingly. Finally, Mr Hill reported that he hoped to be able to share plans showing the phased approach of connectivity at the next meeting of the forum




1.         That the report be noted.




Kings Barton Implementation Update pdf icon PDF 420 KB

(Report reference )

Additional documents:



(Report Reference KBF30)


Mr Hughes provided the Forum with an update on progress at Kings Barton including the development process and future works. He reported that reserved matters consent for two phases had been granted, Phase 1A/1B, 423 dwellings, and Phase 2A, 264 dwellings. Phase 2A was consented to on 5 February 2021 and contained 264 dwellings, 39% of which were affordable units.


Mr Hill advised the forum that CALA were formulating a strategy for future implementation and phasing which would include the neighbourhood centre and further residential parcels – phase 2b, 3a and the spine road.  To accommodate works on phase 2A it would be necessary to move the site compound and remove the hedge (as set out in the permitted plans) that runs alongside the track to the east of Winchester Avenue south of the ridge line.  Following a question Mr Hill informed that he would look into whether information boxes/boards could be placed on Andover Road under the footbridge containing information for residents regarding the footpath.


Members debated the report and asked several questions, these related to:


  • the extra care scheme,
  • pupil numbers,
  • adult education provision
  • the public consultation on the change of speed limit on the Andover road




That the content of the report be noted.


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Kings Barton Forum on Tuesday, 16th March, 2021, 6.00 pm{sidenav}{content}