Agenda and minutes

Kings Barton Forum - Tuesday, 15th March, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Note: This meeting is being held virtually, members of the public who wish to watch this meeting live may do so via the Councils YouTube page at

Contact: Nancy Graham Email: 01962 848 235 


No. Item



To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate).


Apologies were noted as above.



Disclosures of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.


Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.



Councillor Weir declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest as a trustee of the University of Winchester Academy Trust which operated the Barton Farm Academy.



Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2022 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

That the minutes of the meeting be signed as a correct record.




That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 January 2022 be approved and adopted.



Public Participation pdf icon PDF 125 KB


The Chairperson welcomed Mike Slinn (Vice-Chair of the Kings Barton Residents Association (KBRA)) to the meeting.


Mr Slinn drew attention to the notes of the meeting held on 8 March 2022 between KBRA and CALA homes which had been circulated prior to the Forum meeting and was available on the website here


He raised the following points:

·         Queried when a replacement community development officer would be appointed?

·         Believed that the number 86A bus service should have commenced and asked when the promised 30 minute service along the Andover Road would be in place?

·         Highlighted that KBRA had concerns regarding the potential impact of the Three Maids Hill waste recycling centre proposal, if approved.


The Service Lead – Built Environment and the Strategic Director responded to points raised.  The Council was advertising to appoint a new planning/community development officer for a further two years (funded by CALA homes) and that the relevant officer from the county council would attend a future Forum meeting regarding bus services.  Information relating to the proposed waste recycling centre would be fed back to the next meeting.


On behalf of Headbourne Worthy Parish Council, Councillor Rutter requested that the parish council be involved in early discussions regarding any proposals from KBRA or CALA regarding future facilities for the area, particularly with regard to responsibility and cost of future maintenance.  The Service Lead – Built Environment agreed that ensuring all were fully involved would be a future item for consideration by the new planning/community development officer. 


Mr Curry (CALA homes) responded to Members’ questions regarding the intermittent sewage smell which included discussions with Southern Water.  It was believed the issue might dissipate when more properties were built and connected to the sewage system.



Discussion on the footpath at the Ridgeway - HCC / Cala

(verbal update)


The Chairperson welcomed to the meeting, Jonathan Woods (HCC, Countryside Services team).  Mr Woods provided an update on the situation regarding the footpath, as summarised below and also responded to questions of the forum.

·         Briefly explained the background to the current situation regarding the footpath as he understood it. 

·         HCC highways had agreed to fund the cost of the path (estimated at £50k) and the tender process and implementation of works would be overseen by the Countrywide Services team.  The work was currently out to tender with the contract expected to be awarded mid-April with contractors starting on site 25 April and work completed by 31 May 2022.

·         The path provided would be self-binding stone (not tarmac) which would link with the new path to the side of the school.   In response to questions, Mr Wood clarified that the path surface was probably likely to be replaced by tarmac at a future point and that the sub-base being used would allow this.  He explained that a tarmac path would be significantly more expensive.  He highlighted that HCC and WCC would have to give future consideration to this point, as well as the ongoing cost of maintenance of the path.

·         With regard to possible alternative diversion routes whilst the work was being undertaken, Mr Woods agreed to discuss further with his colleagues at HCC from the highway and travel plan teams.  The location of the path could mean that there was adequate space for people to use an informal path to one side in the meantime. The daily construction work would be carried out to avoid school pick up and drop off times.  The Chairperson requested that notices be put in place at the entry points from Andover Road to give further details of when the work would take place and any alternative route arrangements.

·         Mr Woods agreed to take back the requirement to colleagues at HCC to ensure a plan was developed to ensure access to the school was maintained whilst work was being undertaken.  It was agreed that the Strategic Director note this issue as a matter for future consideration.

·         Viv Hill and Ian Curry (CALA homes) drew attention to existing plans and drawings outlining the phased delivery of connectivity between phases of development which had previously been made available.  The forum commented that in addition to these longer term plans, shorter term plans for managing construction works should be in place.  It was requested that this be a matter for a future agenda.

·         In response to various queries regarding the potential for CIL funding, the Service Lead – Built Environment clarified that it would be for HCC to apply to WCC for CIL funding and confirmed that they had been sent the necessary paperwork.  Once the application was received by WCC there would be a bidding process and the award would be a member decision.  It was agreed that the Forum should monitor progress on this.

·         In response to questions, Mr Curry (CALA) stated that it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Update on the Community Centre / Phase 2B - public engagement/consultation - Cala

(verbal update)



Viv Hill (CALA homes) provided an update as summarised below and responded to questions of the forum.


·         CALA homes were in the process as revalidating the applications for Phase 3A and 2B and he assumed the Council would therefore be seeking consultation responses in the coming weeks on the resubmitted proposals for 195 dwellings.

·         With regard to Phase 2B, it was anticipated that a revised application for approximately 291 dwellings together with all the mixed uses in the centre would be submitted in the summer 2022.  He reminded the Forum that the uses included a food store, public house, community centre, children’s’ nursery, extra care provision plus ancillary supporting retail spaces.  There were a number of issues still requiring finalisation including commercial deals with various operators for uses in the central area.  In addition, discussions were ongoing with HCC regarding design of roads into the central area etc.

·         Mr Hill stated that the previously approved document as part of the planning process included a very clear brief regarding what should be include in the community centre (essentially, a multi-functional larger space, ancillary accommodation/facilities, a reception area and two “drop in” health rooms).  He agreed to share these documents again. 

·         He was also involved in discussions with the Service Lead – Communities regarding future management options for the community building.

·         Both KBRA and Headbourne Worthy Parish Council requested that they be involved at an early stage in discussions of proposals for the community building.  The Chairperson requested that the Strategic Director and Service Lead – Built Environment ensure that the two organisations were included in these discussions from a WCC perspective.


The Chairperson thanked Mr Hill for the update and noted the points of action to take forward as outlined above.

Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Kings Barton Forum on Tuesday, 15th March, 2022, 6.00 pm{sidenav}{content}