Agenda and minutes

West of Waterlooville Forum - Tuesday, 5th March, 2019 11.00 am

Contact: Dave Shaw, Principal Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 01962 848 221 Email:

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome


The meeting was held at the Wellington Vale Care Home, Darnel Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, and the Chairman welcomed approximately five members of the public, local residents, representatives of amenity groups, together with District, County and shadow Parish Councillors.


The Forum stood in silence in memory of Havant Borough Councillor Gerry Shimbart who had passed away in February and who had served on the West of Waterlooville Forum and the Community Forum for many years.  A remembrance service would be held on Sunday 24 March 2019 at 1:00pm.



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 November 2018 WWF111 pdf icon PDF 72 KB




That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 6 November 2018, be approved and adopted.



Public Participation

To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum. This period is for a maximum of 10 minutes


During public participation, the following members of the public raised the following points and the officers’ response is set out below:


(i)            David Crichton


Mr Crichton stated that he addressed the Forum as a Havant Borough resident and Chair of the shadow Newlands Parish Council.  He thanked Denmead Parish Council for providing experience to members of the shadow Newlands Parish Council.


Mr Crichton continued that he wished to raise the following issues with the Forum:


·         Road signage to the recycling centre.

·         The process and timescale for the adoption of highways.  There were a number of street lights that were not working and required roadworks to be undertaken to supply underground electrical cabling to them.

·         Whether a footpath link to Brambles Park via Thomas Sanderson owned land could be provided.

·         The provision of a pedestrian crossing on Hambledon Road and traffic also speeding on Hambledon Road.  Traffic problems would also be worsened when the Sickle Way junction was closed.

·         There were also drainage problems in Hambledon Road.


Mr Crichton also commented that AQUIND were providing presentations to local communities on the proposed installation of a high voltage marine and underground electrical cable.  These would be held at Denmead Memorial Hall on the 5 March 2019 and also to Denmead Parish Council.  As this cable would come through part of the Major Development Area it could affect numerous properties alongside its route.


In reply to the points made above, Councillor Wade stated that the Community Infrastructure Levy money had been provided for the crossing on Hambledon Road located by the new McDonalds.  There was also room for a crossing near Charlesworth Drive on Hambledon Road or by the Waterlooville Community Centre.


Councillor Brook stated that the Taylor Wimpey development highways would be adopted by Hampshire County Council by the end of the year.


Mr Tilbury stated that a further letter would be sent to Thomas Sandersons with regard to the footpath connection to Brambles Park.


The Chairman commented that together with County Councillor Briggs he had met with the Hampshire County Council Highways and had suggested a comprehensive traffic solution between the ASDA roundabout and the Taylor Wimpey roundabout at Darnel Road.


(ii)          Rebecca Marsden


Rebecca Marsden stated that she was a member of the shadow Newlands Parish Council and referred to the following:


·           Issues of drainage and pollution on Sickle Way.  She stated that camera investigation had indicated that the problem was not caused by a blockage but there was considerable fluid in the pipes which had led to overflow in Sickle Way and the blocking/flooding of residential properties’ toilets in that area.  Further, problems had been experienced at the pumping station which had been blocked.  She asked whether these potential drainage defects would be remedied prior to the highway being adopted.  The problem was made worse as there did not appear to be any records of the drainage system held by Taylor Wimpey that could be shared with Southern Water, who would need to consider the adoption of the drainage.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Presentation - Ecology Update by Richard Smith, Winchester City Council Ecologist pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Richard Smith, Winchester City Council ecologist, gave a presentation on ecology.  A copy of the presentation can be found under this item’s agenda heading on the Winchester City Council website.


In answer to Members’ questions, Mr Smith stated that:


• Reptiles would be moved from the old Town Park under licence and these were principally lizards and slow worms.

• The mitigation land had been set aside for Brent Geese to rest upon during migration.

• The river Wallington was being dug out to be more meandering to allow it to be conducive as a wildlife habitat.


In conclusion, Mr Smith stated that he had a good working relationship with Grainger and nature groups, and that these organisations also covered the Havant Borough Council area.


A summary of the presentation would also be included in the West of Waterlooville Community Newsletter.



West of Waterlooville Progress Report WWF110 pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Mr Tilbury introduced the report.


In answer to questions from Mr Crichton, Mr Tilbury stated that in the new Municipal Year, the Forum would increasingly take on an overview role where matters relevant to Winchester City Council, Havant Borough Council and Hampshire County Council could be raised as the Newlands Parish Council came into effect.  Newlands Parish Council would be the primary body to consult on planning matters.  A report on the future terms of reference of the Forum would be submitted to the meeting of Cabinet at Winchester City Council to be held on 25 March 2019.


In respect of the temporary community building, the opinion of the Valuation Office Agency was awaited and this would define the approach that would be taken to its future.  Mr Tilbury assured the Forum that the monetary amounts involved were not large and a resolution would be achieved.


In reply to Members’ questions as to whether the facility could be fitted out and used in the interim period, it was explained that Newlands Parish Council had a contingency within its budget which might be considered to provide support for the temporary community centre in the short term whilst the Valuation Office Agency was requested to expedite its decision.


Following discussion, there was willingness at the Forum to find a solution at the earliest opportunity without setting a precedent and to secure a sustainable long-term future for the temporary community centre.  It was suggested that a group be set up to progress this matter so that its purpose for community use could be resolved at the earliest opportunity.


It was further explained that tree planting had not taken place on site as a health and safety risk assessment was required following the finding of ordnance on the site.


Lisa Turley, Grainger, stated that the Town Park Phase A would be subject to a soft opening in April.


Mr Crichton added that house sales at Redrow Phase 13(b) were progressing well.


The Chairman requested that a detailed ward map showing district and county boundaries be provided to members of the Forum.




That the progress being made in bringing the West of Waterlooville MDA forward be noted.



To agree the future programme of meetings of the West of Waterlooville Forum for 2019/20

The following meetings are scheduled to take place at the Wellington Vale Care Home, Darnel Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, PO7 7TY as follows: –


           Tuesday 2 July 2019

           Tuesday 5 November 2019

           Tuesday 10 March 2020





That the following meetings take place at the Wellington Vale

Care Home, Darnel Road, Denmead, Waterlooville during 2019/20: –


• Tuesday 2 July 2019 at 11:00am

• Tuesday 5 November 2019 at 11:00am

• Tuesday 10 March 2020 at 11:00am


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


West of Waterlooville Forum on Tuesday, 5th March, 2019, 11.00 am{sidenav}{content}