Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live stream can be listened to via YouTube at
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 438 Email:
No. | Item | |
Chairperson's Welcome Minutes: The meeting was held virtually and the Chairperson welcomed representatives to the meeting, including Councillor Achwal who had recently been appointed as Winchester City Council representative onto the forum by Cabinet at its meeting on 6 March 2023 to replace Councillor Clear. A query was raised that member representatives of the forum should be appointed from neighbouring wards. The Chairperson clarified that the terms of reference made no reference to this and that as this was the last meeting of the municipal year, Councillor Achwal would continue as representative for the meeting.
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillors Brook and Read declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest due to their role as a members of Newlands Parish Council.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 November 2022 (including any matters arising) PDF 340 KB Minutes: Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting, various points were raised as follows:
· Cemeteries Update – Andrew Biltcliffe provided a verbal update on progress with the project following the last meeting and confirmed that Havant Borough Council had limited cemetery burial space. It was reported that, as part of the s106 agreement for the site, there was provision to obtain land to the north of Rowans Hospice (site within Winchester City Council) to be used for this purpose. To secure this, approval was required from Planning and the Environment Agency for the use of that site as a cemetery by 31 March 2024 and discussions were on going regarding site viability. Grainger had been undertaking ground water monitoring on the site since October 2022 to establish its suitability for burials and this data would be shared with the council in due course.
· Public open space in Wellington Park (Havant area) – Councillor Crichton referred to a recent reply received from Havant stating that they were now in negotiation with Taylor Wimpey. He also made reference to the failure to replace tree and shrub planting along the Old Park Farm stream and asked that, as part of Havant’s discussions with Taylor Wimpey on the adoption process, they ensure that remedial work is carried out. In response, Louise Weaver stated that she had received an update from Havant’s Estates Team regarding the transfer of the land, prior to this taking place there would be an inspection process and any original planting that had failed would have to be suitably replaced prior to the council taking on the open space land. Councillor Lloyd to liaise with Councillor Crichton on the details of this.
· Local Plan Consultation Update – Councillor Read queried the accuracy of the potential further 250 homes on the Winchester part of the West of Waterlooville development, referred to in the previous minutes.
In response, the following update was provided by Toby Ayling after the meeting: ‘I confirm, the minutes are correct, we are investigating the potential for another 250 homes in that part of West of Waterlooville which falls within Winchester District - our working assumptions for the sources of the additional 250 units are as follows:
+125 units available to be completed at April 2021 (above the estimated capacity at that time) as a result of Grainger’s ‘proving plan’ which they are implementing within the existing planning consent (most of the increase was through the ‘private rented scheme’ of 104 units which has been completed); +30 units on land previously reserved for the extension of the existing school (we understand Hampshire County Education believe sufficient places can be delivered at the second school, and hence this site reserved for expansion is not now required); +45 units by counting (a proportion of) the older persons housing already planned in the local centre; and +50 units at the entrance to Waterlooville on land previously identified for town centre uses (hotel, pub, etc). This has yet to be finalised. ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Public Participation PDF 150 KB To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum. This period is for a maximum of 10 minutes.
NB members of the public are required to register with Democratic Services three clear working days before the meeting (see below for further details).
Minutes: Rebecca Marsden addressed the forum during public participation. In addition, following the meeting she submitted a full list of questions for a response to be provided which were circulated as a supplement to the agenda pack and are available on the council’s website:
In summary, at the meeting Rebecca Marsden made reference to the following matters:
· Drainage and Sewage Issues – resulting in the removal of the Wellington Play Park equipment and a loss of community facilities provided as part of the s106 agreement and the park should be reinstated.
· Unacceptable foul water and sewage issues that have been ongoing over a 6 year period. CCTV camera inspection of the drains took place but no drainage plans of the development had been submitted and referred to and compared at the time by Taylor Wimpey to Southern Water.
· Capacity on the network – how did due process including for planning and building control take place to ensure connection to the mainline network without the submission of drainage plans?
· Queried the adoption of roads when drainage standards have not been satisfied. In response, the Forum were asked if they had any points of clarification for the public speaker. Rebecca Marsden confirmed she resided within the Havant area and Councillor Lloyd provided her contact details for further communication to take place on the matters raised.
In response to the points raised regarding sewage, Councillor Crichton stated that he had been advised by Taylor Wimpey that one of the problems from Southern Water is the false claim that the problem is due to the amount of surface water from the development going into the sewage system which was untrue as all surface water from Wellington Park goes into the Sustainable Urban Drainage system (SUDs). This was accepted years ago as Southern Water do not charge residents for surface water drainage.
It was reported that, Flick Drummond, MP for Meon Valley, was liaising with Southern Water to resolve this matter and was holding a community forum at Wickham Community Centre next Friday, 17th March at 4pm with Southern Water and the Environment Agency in attendance should members of the Forum wish to attend.
The Chairperson thanked Rebecca Marsden for her contribution to the meeting.
Grainger progress report on West of Waterlooville MDA PDF 143 KB Additional documents: Minutes: (Update Report and February Newsletter)
The Chairperson welcomed Jenni Upstill (Grainger plc) to the meeting.
The forum were referred to the update report and the latest newsletter both circulated with the agenda pack for their information and comment.
Members raised a number of questions on the matters contained in the update report which were responded to by Jenni Upstill and relevant officers present on the following points:
· Northern Allotments – Jenni Upstill reported that plans had now been submitted for the northern allotments to enable planting works to commence in 2024.
· Councillor Crichton reported that he had been in discussion with Savills regarding two further planning applications (in relation to the expansion land at Berewood School and the Blue Star site). A representative from Savills would be attending the next full meeting of the Parish Council to discuss these matters.
· Stakes Hill roundabout and southern access road – This was two separate areas but discussions were linked with Hampshire County Council.
· The Great Big Green Week – How would Grainger address the issue of upgrading buildings to higher environmental standards than the original plans, including upgrades to electric vehicle charging and alternative heating sources for properties, in line with more current standards. Jenni Upstill reported that there had been meetings to discuss this, particularly around the local centre coming forward, to adopt a more forward-thinking approach in respect of EV charging points, design codes with improved accessibility and the deed of variation. It was agreed that a general item be added to the agenda of a future Forum meeting to explore the possible changes within the planning regime.
It was noted that development outstanding in Havant was Phase 8 (Park View) and to the south of the site there was Montague Heath (this site was split between Havant and Winchester).
Councillor Lloyd provided a brief update on the production of Havant Borough Council’s Local Plan which was currently at the regulation 19 stage (sites and policy). Following the outcome of the consultation as part of the regulation 18 stage, the importance of climate change and the environment were of considered paramount and it was felt that as much should be done as possible to enhance design standards and preventative measures in this respect.
Julie Pinnock, Service Lead: Built Environment clarified that the council could not retrospectively apply new policies to existing planning permissions. There was an outline planning permission in place for the development and therefore improvements could not respectively be applied through the planning process. When the council was in a position to do so, the new emerging policy would apply to any new planning permissions going forward.
1. That the comments raised by the forum on the matters set out above, be noted and the update report and recent newsletter, be received; and
2. That an item be added to the next forum meeting to receive updates from the developer regarding building standards.
Arts Programme Update (Verbal Update) Minutes: The forum received a verbal update from Andrew Gostelow, Service Lead: Economy and Tourism for Winchester City Council regarding the public art programme. The forum were reminded that at the last meeting it was agreed that an expert agency be appointed to work with the council to review the existing public art programme and deliver a new programme funded from the s106 agreement budget. Since the last meeting, work to develop the necessary procurement paperwork had taken place and the procurement portal tested to ensure the appointment of a suitable partner going forward and the cost breakdown and outstanding funds remaining within the s106 agreement budget were set out.
It was noted that there were two further milestones in relation to the s106 agreement at 1,500 and 2,000 homes which, based on an anticipation of indexation and build out periods a total of £500,000 public art fund could be expected. Based on these figures, an agency would be procured funded from the existing s106 funds which will take place to secure an agency to review the existing plan and create a new plan in consultation with the Arts Panel, stakeholders, the forum and the community engagement. Subject to approval, the agency would then be responsible for delivering public art within the agreed plan for the first two phases, with their appointment expected to take place during Summer 2023 and the draft revised plan coming anticipated in Autumn 2023.
In relation to the gateway installation, the council’s Natural Environment Team had replanted soft planting on the gateway which would take approximately 10 years to be fully established and a maintenance schedule was in place. However, the long-term management responsibility of this planting was to be confirmed in due course depending on land ownership.
The forum thanked Andrew Gostelow and his team for the work carried out to progress arts programme to date.
That the verbal update be received and noted.
Waterlooville Town Centre Regeneration (Verbal Update) Minutes: The Forum received a verbal update and a brief presentation from Alan Downton, Economic Development and Regeneration Consultant and Grant Thornton, Regeneration and Economy Manager of Havant Borough Council which highlighted the key issues regarding the progression of plans for regeneration in Waterlooville town centre and setting out the actions already undertaken and the next steps and measures to be carried out.
It was noted that the position of Waterlooville Regeneration Officer had recently been appointed and a specialist had been commissioned to devise and implement the engagement framework in consultation with key stakeholders, landowners, businesses and residents to inform the development of the masterplan.
The forum raised questions which were responded to by relevant officers in relation to the following points:
· Landowner contact issues – It was noted that land searches had been carried out to establish who owned each commercial property in Waterlooville to obtain contact details. Of the three large landowners, two had been in discussions and the other contact had been approached. This would feed into the engagement plan. · Longer term improvements – Once the vision, ambitions and masterplan were in place this would enable the council to seek other funding streams to deliver the longer-term aspirations. · Newlands and Denmead Parish Council’s be included as key stakeholders in the consultation process.
That the verbal update and presentation be received and noted.
Removal of the Wellington Park playground (Verbal Update) Minutes: The Forum received a verbal update from Councillor Crichton making reference to the problems that have arisen in relation to drainage and sewage issues (as detailed during public participation by Rebecca Marsden) resulting in all of the play area equipment being removed from Wellington Park with no intention of replacement.
Councillor Crichton reported that Taylor Wimpey’s position was that the play area had been provided as part of the s106 agreement, along with a commuted sum to Havant Borough Council for this to be maintained. Taylor Wimpey had stated that their view was that either the play area be restored or they will be looking for the return of their commuted sum and any of the equipment that was available.
In response, Councillor Robinson (also speaking in her capacity as Portfolio Holder for Communities at Havant Borough Council) clarified that Taylor Wimpey do not want the equipment to be returned. The equipment was removed due to the sewage issue and due to its poor quality which had resulted in a health and safety risk. The location of the play park next to a busy main road network was not an ideal position and as such Havant Borough Council would not be reinstating the play area in that location.
In conclusion, the Chairperson suggested that a discussion take place with Newlands Parish Council to establish provision and any alternative sites that could be explored going forward.
1. That the verbal update be received and noted; and
2. That discussions take place between Havant Borough Council and Newlands Parish Council regarding play park provision going forward.
Any Other Business Minutes:
(i) B2150 Issues
It was reported that four years ago Hampshire Highways were asked to undertake a full assessment of the B2150 in its entirety from the boundary with Denmead up to the ASDA roundabout, rather than isolated assessments.
Councillor Briggs had previously arranged a site visit with Hampshire Highways but this was cancelled and since this no further progress has been made.
In response, the forum noted that they would endeavour to readdress this with Councillor Briggs to take this matter back up with Hampshire Highways as the forum wished to see this matter progressed.
The virtual meeting commenced at 6:00 pm and concluded at 7:52 pm