Venue: Walton Suite, Winchester Guildhall
Contact: Matthew Watson, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 317 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Deputy Members. To note the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed members. Minutes: No apologies for the meeting were made.
Declarations of Interests. To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Councillor Reach declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest concerning the agenda item “Strategic Outline Case for Station Approach" as he was ultimately employed by and owned shares in First Group PLC who controlled South Western Railway who were referenced in the report.
Appointment of Vice-Chairperson for Municipal Year 2023/24. As this is the first meeting of the committee in this municipal year, it will be necessary to appoint a Vice-Chairperson.
The Chairperson will call for nominations from committee members. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Councillor Horrill be appointed Vice-Chairperson for the 2023/24 municipal year.
Chairperson's Announcements. Minutes: There were no announcements made.
Minutes of the meeting of 27 February 2023. PDF 234 KB That the minutes of the meeting be signed as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 February 2023 be approved and adopted.
Public Participation To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on matters which fall within the remit of the Committee.
Members of the public and visiting councillors may speak at the committee, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please complete this form ( by 5pm on Deadline(registertospeakdeadline) or call (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details.
Minutes: Imogen Dawson addressed the committee regarding the agenda item “Strategic Outline Case for Station Approach and a summary of the matters she raised were as follows.
Councillor Tod, Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management and Emma Taylor responded to a number of these points within the introduction to the agenda item.
Councillor Malcolm Wallace addressed the committee regarding the agenda item “Q4 Performance Monitoring” and raised the following matters:
· When was the Health & Environment Policy Committee planning to discuss the new initiative for a utility scale renewable energy project? · Could Members receive a briefing on the HCC carbon assessment tool that would be used in future council processes and reports (p273)? · The Carbon Footprint Report for 2022/23 was scheduled to be delivered to the Carbon Neutrality Board in July 2023 (p273). How could Councillors access this report?
Strategic Outline Case for Station Approach PDF 176 KB Recommendation
It is recommended that the committee scrutinise and comment on the proposals within the attached cabinet report, ref CAB3413 which is to be considered by cabinet at its meeting on the 18 July 2023.
This report contains an exempt appendix, if members wish to discuss any part of this exempt paper, then the following applies:
(i) To pass a resolution that the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business because it is likely that, if members of the public were present, there would be disclosure to them of ‘exempt information’ as defined by Section 100 (I) and Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 by virtue of paragraph 3 which is information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (which includes the authority holding that information).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Tod, Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management introduced the report, ref CAB3413 which set out proposals for the Strategic Outline Case for Station Approach, (available here). Councillor Tod’s introduction included the following points.
The committee was recommended to comment on the proposals within the attached cabinet report, ref CAB3413 which was to be considered by the cabinet at its meeting on 18 July 2023.
The committee was supported by Emma Taylor, Project Lead, John East, Strategic Director – Place, Ken Baikie, Director of Regeneration and Dawn Adey, Strategic Director. The committee proceeded to ask questions and debated the report. In summary, the following matters were raised:
Q4 Performance Monitoring PDF 104 KB Recommendations:
That the Scrutiny Committee:
1. Notes that the Performance Panel met on the 22 May 2023 to scrutinise the attached report, CAB3403 and its associated appendices. The minutes of the panel’s meeting are included as an appendix of the Cabinet report.
2. Notes that a verbal update will be provided at the Scrutiny Committee.
3. Raises with the Leader or relevant Cabinet member any issues arising from the information in this report, ref CAB3403, which is being presented to Cabinet on the 18 July 2023 and considers whether there are any items of significance to resolve or to be drawn to the attention of Cabinet. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Caroline Horrill, Chairperson of the Performance Panel introduced the report, reference CAB3403 which set out the Quarter 4 Performance Monitoring report, (available here). Councillor Horrill gave an overview of the following matters: 1. That the panel met on May 22nd with Councillors Horrill, Laming, Pett, and Bolton. Also in attendance were Councillor Porter and Councillor Todd and several officers. 2. 22 questions were provided in advance to officers, the panel had reviewed the report and discussed several issues, including the climate agenda, major projects, and housing matters. 3. A few questions remained outstanding, and officers had, ahead of today's meeting provided an updated list of actions and the associated responses. 4. This document would be circulated to other panel members and any unanswered questions would be brought to the Cabinet meeting for further discussion on 18 July 2023. 5. It was requested that officers provide written clarification on the panel's future way of working, in particular, the Vice Chair requested a copy of the Performance Panels terms of reference, and a process map explaining how the panel should prepare for the Performance Panel meeting. The committee discussed the report and the points raised by Councillor Horrill and the following additional points were made. 1. That a discussion about the timing of reports and the need for investigation into the process was welcomed. There was a need for clarity on the process, including attendance at panel meetings. 2. It was suggested that publishing the draft report earlier to allow additional reading time may be possible and that efforts to make the report simpler and focused on exceptions were underway. 3. Regarding page 227 - Benches on High Street, these were installed on May 9th, the council had performed better than stated in the report. 4. Regarding page 231 - Carbon statistics, it was queried regarding the accuracy of carbon intensity measures used, as it was important for accurate measurement and evaluation. 5. Regarding page 251 - General invoices, the Council was still issuing paper invoices for certain services, progress needed to transition to digital methods. 6. Regarding KPIs VLE9 and VLE10 - Tourism spending and Winchester's position as the home of English winemaking. Councillor Reach requested a meeting with Councillor Tod to discuss further promoting Winchester's role in English winemaking and showcasing local businesses. RESOLVED: The committee: 1. Noted that the performance panel had met on 22 May 2023 to scrutinise the report, CAB33403, and its associated appendices. 2. Noted the draft minutes of the panel's meeting and the verbal update provided by the Chairperson. 3. Requested that officers and the leader of the council review the points raised by the panel as detailed above. 4. That officers clarify the procedures and timescales that future meetings of the performance panel would operate to.
Appointments of external bodies related to scrutiny PDF 204 KB
Recommendation: That the committee considers appointments to the following external bodies:
1. Portsmouth City Council – Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (1 vacancy and deputy) 2. Centre for Governance and Scrutiny – Scrutiny Champions Network (1 vacancy) 3. Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) Overview and Scrutiny Committee (1 vacancy and deputy) Minutes:
That the following appointments be made to the external bodies listed below:
1. Portsmouth City Council – Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel: Councillor V Achwal (deputy: Councillor J Williams). 2. Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) – Scrutiny Champions Network: Councillor Brook. 3. Partnership for South Hampshire Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Councillor S Achwal (deputy: Councillor Batho).
Annual Scrutiny Report 2022/23 PDF 249 KB
That the committee consider and make any necessary comments on the content of the report before its submission to full council. Minutes: The Chairperson introduced the report, which set out proposals for the Annual Scrutiny Report, (available here). The committee was recommended to consider the report and make any necessary comments on the content before its submission to full council.
The committee noted that the report represented a succinct summary of the main work it had conducted during the previous municipal year.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That Council note the annual scrutiny report for 2022/23
Annual Report - Exceptions to Forward Plan 2022/23 PDF 143 KB Recommendation: That the Committee consider and make any necessary comment on the content of the report. Minutes: The Chairperson introduced the report, ref SC087 which set out the annual report concerning exceptions to the forward plan, (available here). The committee considered the report and noted that during the 2022/23 municipal year, the Chairperson of The Scrutiny Committee was informed of one key decision which was not included in the forward plan.
RESOLVED: That the report be noted
To note the membership and chairperson of the performance panel. In order to undertake its review of the Q4 Performance Monitoring Report, the Performance Panel was required to meet in advance of being formally appointed by the Scrutiny committee. Nominations from groups appointed to the Scrutiny Committee were sought.
Membership will be confirmed at the meeting and the committee are asked to note the panel members for 2023/24. Minutes:
RESOLVED: It was noted that councillors; Horrill (Chairperson), Pett, Williams, Laming and Bolton would form the performance panel for 2023/24. |
To note the date and time of future meetings of the committee and the performance panel. Scrutiny Committee
6 Sep 2023 6.30 pm 22 Nov 2023 6.30 pm 6 Feb 2024 6.30 pm 6 Mar 2024 6.30 pm
Performance Panel
21 Aug 2023 4.00 pm 6 Nov 2023 4.00 pm 26 Feb 2024 4.00 pm
The dates of meetings were noted. |
To note the Work Programme for 2023/24 PDF 109 KB The latest version of the committee work programme can be found here: Minutes:
That the latest version of the work programme (which can be found here ) be noted.
1. Movement Strategy (where we are and the inter-relationship to other council projects) 2. Local Plan (consultation post Regulation 18 and where we are heading with regards to Regulation 19) 3. Further Updates regarding regeneration projects, specifically Central Winchester Regeneration.
There was a general caveat that if these items were already planned for a policy committee, then no duplication was required.
To note the latest Forward Plan of Key Decisions PDF 209 KB Minutes: The forward plan of key decisions for July 2023 was noted.